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Date: August 22nd 1944

30 Cdn Air Svy Liaison Sec, RCE,

Cdn Army England. 22 Aug 44.

Dear Jean:

Tuesday night again, your letter coming this afternoon, and have just had my evening bike ride to Morris's and back. Worked a short time on the wood pile, Mrs M made a cup of coffee, and I got back here about dusk, Didn't get out at all for air over the week end, was busy Saturday, and had to go up to Taplow to see Lt Col MacDonald, who is a good old friend of mine, and has just returned from France. A case very similar to Bill Hall, but bombs instead of shell. He is doing fine, and was able to track down his brother who has recently come over from Canada, and didn't know anything about Mao's narrow escape. Took him up to the hospital with me. Worked Sat evening on my report, which is taking shape now. Sunday I had the American army to entertain again, which is always a pleasure. The weather has been wet, so couldn't have done much outdoors anyway. Your letter was written on the 13th, so it didn't lose much time. Mrs Morris has received your letter of about a month ago, and was very pleased. You mentioned the wool stuff for Ecila in it, and Mrs M thought it was for knitting a garment, but my impression of your letter to me was that it is material. No doubt they will let you know as soon as it arrives, and I will too. Poor Ecila went to the hospital in Leatherhead this afternoon. She hasn't been up to scratch for some time, and I think she has just got badly run down. Hope its nothing worse. I was in my working attire, so didn't call in at the hospital to see her. May get around toward the end of the week.
I'll bet Mary has a happy sweet face, with a mother such as she has. Bet you had your hands full with the Carey progeny alright.

Your information about the small holdings for veterans who have other employment was of interest not only to me, but to Bill and Harry. I haven't systematically looked into this yet, but am thinking about it, and remember seeing some time ago, a hint that they were planning some sort of rural home scheme for town workers. Maybe we could work that scheme in connection with a place like Bert Haywards. I do hope you can get up there soon to have a look over it. Bill Hall has seen it, and says that the beach on Haywards place is not muddy, but that those on either side of it are, I don't know what effect the Patricia Bay RCAF station will have on property around there, however I guess there will be few places after this war free from the noise of aeroplanes.
Another thing to consider is a place that is not too accessible to week end visitors, It can become quite a problem.

This letter should reach you very close to your Birthday. I like the idea of making a bit of fuss about birthdays, because it is essentially an individual fest, and it is the most appropriate time of all to demonstrate your regard and love. All the other gift feasts, like Xmas, etc, are apt to become a bit commercialized , and loose their genuine significance. This must sound a bit funny when I do practically nothing for you or Mary on your birthdays. My best love goes to you anyway my dear, Of course I feel quite senior to you, having reached the long side of forty. You have to wait three years yet don't you? You seemed in a rather reflective mood about our ages in one of your recent letters. We are certainly not children anymore, I guess we are really quite mature. Sounds a bit grim, and yet there doesn't seem to be anything so fearsome about it. It would be nice if we could have one more child before we get very much older. How I would like to have a son with his mothers height and graceful figure, her blue eyes, and her quiet unsophisticated charm, and yet not so dumb either. What do you think of that? A son would be such a joy to you too, probably more than to me in many ways. You could see in him any of his fathers virtues but none of his faults, (we hope). Its funny how we like to think that our children are going to be the ideal we would have been ourselves, if we had known as much as we do, when we didn't know so much. I was wondering if you haven't been feeling too well, I know your eyes must have been worrying you a bit, but is there something else? I wish you could arrange to take a holiday, What about going home this fall? We should be in good shape financially now, and you shouln't worry about that side.

There isn't a great deal of news this week, have been keeping my nose to the grindstone trying to get this report finished. After that there is a good chance to take a bit of leave. Hope I can do that before the weather gets too gloomy.

Best of love dear, and a happy birthday for you,


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