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Date: October 21st 1942

Oct 21st 1942

Dearest Laurie

There was some mail in today for a change and I received a letter from you and one from Mother dated Sept 17th. There should be a lot more in on Friday as there is two weeks mail before that to come yet. There were a few cigarettes in but very few. Most of the boys are out at the present time so those that had smokes have sure taken a beating. I still have some left of the 1 000 I got from Alec but will be out by the end of the week. I'm not worried though as I have quite a few owing to me and somebody bound to get some.

I sent you and aerograph when I got back from Dieppe instead of a telegram but maybe you didn't receive it. Mother received hers O.K. in two weeks so knew I was alright. I had the money to send a telegram but there was so many on the go at that time that I didn't want to frighten you. If you were to get a telegram every time something came off it would worry you when you didn't get one so best I don't send many. I knew our Regt. wasn't mentioned on the radio or I sure would have sent one needless to say. Try and not worry about me anyway Sweetheart as worries will only make you gray haired and I want to come home to the same looking lovely girl as I left. I don't think I've changed very much since I was you last but then I'd never notice it myself. I'll have my picture taken again at the photographers this leave and send you some. It is a year now since I sent the last one so maybe you'll see a little difference in me.

I came into our billets tonight so as to get this letter written. It was almost dark when the mail came so there wasn't time to write back on the nite. I'm going to take a bath while I'm in as it is almost a week now since I had one. There is somebody in the tub at the present time but it won't be long until they are through. I'll start a letter to Mother just as soon as I finish this and then I'll have a clean slate when the next mail comes in. I was sure glad to see some mail in today as it was over three weeks since we had had any. Sometimes the days slip by and a person never notices it go but it has seemed to drag terrible this last while. Next week will go fast as we'll be doing something different every day. It sure can't pass any too fast for me as I like to see it slip by.

This is going to be one of my super letters by the look of things Snooks as the usual four pages wouldn't hold al I have to say tonight. I'll miss writing tomorrow but will write again on Friday if all goes well. I haven't been in the mood to write for the last week but your letter today was a real tonic. I won't be able to do any work tomorrow for sitting around day dreaming about you. Boy would I like to be home for Xmas though next year or Hitler is sure going to catch hell from Mrs. Broomes youngest Boy.

The bath was idle for a few minutes while I've been writing but somebody has slipped in there now so that means I can start a letter to Mother. I won't take long to bath once I get in but I didn't want to stop writing. Take good care of yourself Sweetheart and keep your pretty little chin up. I love you more than words can tell and hope to be seeing you soon.

Lots of Hugs & Kisses



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