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Date: April 13th 1941

Lieut. G.S. Andres, R.C.E.

"I"Branch, H.Q. Canadian Corps

CASF, Base P.O. Canada.

England, 13th April 1941

Dearest Jean:

Another busy week, and a useful one. If all this work comes to a fruitful result, then it will be worth while - and I will feel that I have made a small contribution to the cause, If not, then at least I will have had some good experience out of it, which will be useful in the future. There was a Canadian mail early in the week, but nothing for me, so I am beginning to wonder if the ship carrying my letter got into some trouble. However, there may be some arrive this coming week.
Last Monday I arranged for a special remittance to you of £30-0-0 (about $134.00) through the army pay-master - so you should have it sometime in May, probably toward the end of May. It is to be sent to you c/o the Bank of Nova Scotia, Victoria. You might tell them to expect it and let you know. Also I made arrangements to increase my assigned pay to you from 75.00 to 100.00 per month - so that you will have monthly a total of 15700 including yours & Mary's dependents allowance. You can use all I can send you on payments on the house, expenses in connection with it, and to build up a reserve in the bank for emergencies, and for our future needs, if you have any left over. I could further increase the 100.00 to you on my present basis of pay, but one never knows when they might transfer me to a different job which although just as important - may carry less pay. If I accumulate more than I need here, from time to time, I can always arrange to send you a special remittance. I don't think it wise to keep too much money here, when we have quite a lot to think about at home. I plan to keep just enough to meet my running expenses, plus a small reserve for emergencies.

Yesterday I got a parcel off to you from Miss Morris - more little dresses for Mary that her neice has out grown - I hope it arrives o.k. If you want to drop them a note address the envelope to

Miss Ecila Morris,


Tyrrells Wood, Leatherhead,

Surrey, England.

and if you addressed the letter to her and her mother, the old lady would be greatly bucked up. By the way - I don't think you need to worry about your old man getting interested in Ecila - she is over 40 - and looks her age - and you know how I like them young & pretty! Joking aside, she is a good scout - you would like both the old lady & the daughter. They certainly have been good to me.

The members of our branch had a nice little stag dinner party last Monday at a nice old Inn not far away - Had a real bang up meal - and all the trimmings - it was fine - It was sort of a farewell party to some English officers who are leaving our corps to be replaced by Canadians, who acted as hosts.

I have some leave coming up in a couple of weeks, and have not decided what to do with it. The weather should be a bit warmer then - except today & yesterday, April has been decidedly frigid, so far. However the spring flowers are braving the elements - daffodils, prim roses, crocuses, etc. and some of the trees are beginning to blossom, others showing a tinge of green buds.

The war news is a bit topsy turvey lately, but we must expect that. U.S. help & cooperation is getting stronger and more effective each week - and I still think were going to win.

I thought how nice it would have been to take you & Mary to church this morning, being Easter Sunday - However since I couldn't do that, I decided not to go alone, so got some work done instead.

A British Colonel of the Royal Engineers, a friend of the Morris' is staying there this week end - he is a very fine man - and was out on survey work in northern B.C. before the last war - I enjoyed meeting him. He has rambled around a lot of other parts of the world too, and was very interesting.

Haven't seen Lorne for a long time. I see Dick Fanow occasionally & Col. Carrie last week. No news yet of Bills safe arrival in Canada.
Am anxious to hear from you - and will be glad to know of your plans for your visit to California.

I must go now - or I shall be too late for supper - All my love to you both -



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