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Date: April 10th 1944

10 April 44

Dear Jean:

We are back on double summer time, and the extra daylight in the evenings is certainly appreciated. It is a lovely spring evening, and although I'd like to get out for some fresh air, will have to work until bedtime, however, before getting involved, thought I'd get your letter off. Your letter of 2 April arrived on schedule this pm, along with one from my friend Rothery in West Africa, another from an old childhood friend in Toronto, he has something to do with aeroplane design, and evidently got my address from my sister. I had heard of him from some of the aeroplane people here. I remember he was an only child, and his parents gave him all sorts of mechanical toys, which I used to go and smash for him. It would be interesting to see what kind of a man has turned out to be. Another welcome item of the mail was a large MAS parcel from the Keyhole at the buildings, complete with a small bottle of special "medicine" which has a strong and volatile fragrance, recommended for almost any kind of ill which might befall one in the army. It has been a long time coming, and I'm wondering if by any chance the radio might turn up after all, and your XMAS parcel. We were missing quite a bit of mail just about that time. Your box of cookies arrived too, earlier in the week. They are marvelous, and very much superior to DADS. So any time you feel like sending some more, they will be most welcome. Tell Mrs Swannell that her letter arrived too, and was much enjoyed, it was just as tho I had been able to drop into her kitchen at 564 Dallas, and have a nice little chat. The puns were not amiss either.

You and your various gal friends seem to have a busy time of it but it is the best way to be. I had not heard that Mrs Kinnear was ill, hope it is not serious. Haven't seen Axel for about a month, I suppose Caroline has seen something of her boy friend, Frank.

Judging from the way the Mutual have reacted to your paying up the mortgage, I should say that the sooner we are clear of them the better. I should like to have been there to tell them what I thought about paying extra interest. Your proposed alterations to the dinette should make it a useful and attractive space instead of what it is. The change should make it big enough to eat comfortably in, except when we have a lot of guests. When we are alone, we could then eat there instead of in the kitchen. I don't mind eating in a large old fashioned farm kitchen, but to make a habit of eating in a small modern kitchen is not exactly my idea of the right way to live. So your ideas may be the right solution to that little problem in our house. The price seems reasonable enough too.

We have changed our messing to a larger Canadian unit nearby, and it is a decided improvement. They are mostly "Frenchmens" from Quebec, and the CC is a very interesting little chap. We got more to eat, a better variety, and it is better cooked. Typically French, they stand on ceremony more than we do, are very polite, and take their duties as hosts seriously. About the only way I can reciprocate is to invite the CO and the 2 i/c over to my house for a hot bath. They are all in tenats and of course a bath is appreciated under those circumstances. Bert Hayward very kindly send me a box of assorted pickles, so took them over to the mess, and they were also much appreciated.

Saturday night I went to a party at Col Meuser's mess, there was a lot of brass there, generals brigadiers, cols etc. only about 4 majors, 3 captains and 2 lieuts. I was a bit tired, and sneaked away home eearly. Next Sat is the christening of the little Meuser girlie, and of course I am roped in as God father.

Thhe work has been very exacting lately, and we have been making a special effort. However I am very happy about it, because we seem to be getting results at last from the ideas which I have developed in connection with it. If I can get it wound up in two or three weeks, I think I will demand some leave. I'll likely get it too.

The dance on Sat was in the direction of Morris's, so I went early enough to do a few chores for them and have supper there. It was a nice break. Leila could not come with me to the dance as have no maid now, and she doesn' t like to leave the old lady alone.

Phoned Bill tonight. He is at the Hosp. but expects to be released for a while sometime this week, and do some work. Later he will go back for a fitting. It's a good idea to break him in to normal life gradually like that.

How I should love to see you and Mary again, maybe this darn old war will end all of a sudden, and we can get on with living. heaps of love to you BOTH, and give my love to Betty when you see her.

Phone Alf Jacklin at the Buildings for me, and tell him thanks for the parcel. and that Ike Eisenhour keeps me too busy to write.



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