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Date: June 1st 1918
Robertson, John Hill

Seaford Sussex


June 1 1918

Dear Sister

Just a few lines to let you know how I am getting on. I got my mail last night and there were three letters from home your letter adressed to Halifax arrived and one form mother. I certainly was glad to hear that you were all well and all about what is happening in Kamloops. They must be going after the young fellows pretty strong now. They won't have so much to say as when they had exemption. The B men will be looking blue to I got the clippings OK and showed all the boys. There wasn't any that were sorry to hear about it. I guess McCannell's will be in quite a fix about [?]. They will have a different song to sing. How is Angus making out have they came after him yet. I hear they are going to call the boys of 19. If they do that all those laids around town who are stalling as under and will get bit bad.

I got a letter form Aunty McGarrigle the same time as I got your. It was just a not Saying to be sure and go to see her I had already wrote a note to her and Aunt Jim to let them know I had arrived I won't be able to get away for a month at least then I will only have 6 or 8 days so I won't have long I am going to write to Mr Mitchel and let him know I am likely to call them I will go if I can make it and see Jean. I'd like to hear her sing again (I don't think) we were march over to the main Camp the other day to get a bath I was on the look out for boys I know. I saw one Kamloops fellow. He said he was Fatty Haunis' brother. That is the kin Arving Wilcox & Hall wagon I guess Shindy will know him I didn't talk to him much for he was looking for another fellow. I saw Quin Jones from Northfield when we were all ready to parad away. Old Charles Jones boy. He was on parade to so we couldn't get a talk but he saw me two so I will look him up when I go over there. I also saw a big redheaded fellow that used to wipe in the CPR shops Charles will know the one he was with me lots of time when we were talking He was next to Quin Jones in the line so I will know a couple of old friend when I get over there.

Today is Saturday and we had to get up at 5.30 and get full dressed before breakfast at 6.00 then we started for the rifle range at 7 oclock with picks and shovels. It must have been about 5 miles away for it took 120 mins steady walking to get there. We had to fix up a piece of ground that was out of order then march back to dinner it was a good thing saturday is a half holiday for we were all tired but I had a sleep for a couple of hours this afternoon so that made it up. It certainly is hot here. The chalk and flint in the roads make them like ovens. There is chalk all around here every hole dug throws chalk out. It is just the stuff we used in school lots of the fellows clean their white shoes with it.

How is everything at hope. I hope mother is keeping well. I guess it is pretty hot their now. How did that hatching of chickens come out. I hope you had good luck. Dont forget to give me all the news when you write I enjoy the last ones great.

*well have to close now with lots of love to all

your loving brother john

P.S. My address now is just Pte John Robertson #2022192 Reg 1st Canadian Reserve Seaford Sussex. We don't have to put stamps on so I will have no excuse for not writing will I.

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