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Date: July 26th 1918
Robertson, John Hill

Seaford Sussex


July 26/18

Dear Sister: -

I received your letter day June 30th and was very pleased to hear that you are all well. I hope you like your job at Ashcroft. Are you in the hospital or a private case. The weather will be scorching just now.

I was glad to hear how all the people at home were getting on. The McLeode must have had some party eh what. How is Angus getting on is he called up yet. I was sorry to hear that Uncle George had been called up. I hope he has a longer stay in Canada than I had.

Say you ought to have been in Scotland with me. I certainly enjoyed visiting Carluke. I saw all the old places Dad used to tell us about when we were kids. It is a very pretty little place. I would have liked to had more time to spend there. I'm sure you would be delighted with aunt Jim. She is tiny alongside us long streaks but that don't make any diff. Uncle Davy and his family are also first class. Uncle is very religious. He is the strickest one in the family that way. I don't think Aunt Jim is as bas as he is. He is very sincere about it so it is all right. I think he is OK. He has lots of fun in him. Mary, Jean, Reg & Ross were also very good to me. In fact they all went out of their way to be good to me. Aunt Marian is quite old she doesn't go around much. I used to sit and talk to her about all the people she knew in America. Then Uncle John from Hamilton & cousin Jean from Motherwell came over to see me. Jean said I would have to go back with her to see all their folks so I went and stayed a night at their place. There are three in their family like ours Jean is the Eldest she is 19 and quite nice looking. Then there is John & Andrew. Uncle Charlie & Aunt Hannah were also awful good to me.

They are both quite fat and good natured. They have a nice place. We had a great talk. I hadn't heard much of them before so I was surprised to meet them all. Uncle Charlies family are all fair haired. All the other Robertson are dark. Jean works in a confectionary store. She would have me come down to the shop in the morning when I got up. So I went about [?] and found the place quite easily. She introduced me to her friend that works with her she was very nice. Jean couldn't get away till after noon so her friend offered to show me around a little. She took me all around the town and pointed out all the interesting sights. She was nice and tall as tall as you I think so we were quite a commanding figure marching around after dinner. Jean & John & I went to Hamilton to see Uncle John's family. It is just about half an hours ride in the bus. Uncle John has three boys. John Alex and Andrew.

They are all below military age. He showed me around the pit head where he is boss. It is quite a mine. You ought to see the girls working there Uncle John has over 60 girls working for him Mary Aslopp is one of them. They are running around blacker than any miner you ever saw. But they seem to be quite happy. Old Alsopp & Fred & little Joe came to see me. They were anxious to know all about the doings in Canada. Say Johnnie Alsopp has got married so he is all right now.

July 27./. I couldn't finish last night before "lights out" So I held it over till to day as I want to write a good letter for your birthday. I guess you though I had forgotten you had a birth day. But I haven't. I'm sending a small parcel to mother to day with a small present for each of you. It is small all ways so don't exspect to much. Just a little something to let you know I'm not forgetting home. I was awfully pleased to received the parcel. Your socks were OK. I don't know how you managed to think of all the stuff. I have sugar in my tea now every day. The cake was just scrumpious and also all the rest of the stuff I had tooth ache all the day after I got it from eating to much sweet stuff.

My (new) tooth is still doing good work. It has never troubled me a bit. My wrist watch is certainly a good one. It has never lost a minute since I have had it. It is very handy too. It lets me know just how much longer I have to drill and how long it is to dinner time. That is an important thing to know here. I hear from Horace every once in a while. He is going to come down this way to see me if he can. If he does I'll write and let you knw if he is as good looking as his photo. I think he will be all right he writes a pretty nice letter.

I have to thank you and mother for my birthday present. I have bought a few things extra. The pen I'm writing with is one of them. It is a Waterman's self filling fountain pen and would write first class if a good write was using it. It is awful handy as I don't have to run to the Y.M.C.A. or the Library to get ink to write. It is a good one so you will know I have my present OK.

Well I haven't anymore news at present so I will have to close. Hoping you have a pleasant birthday and will have many more in future. Best love to all

Your loving brother


PS. I have written all this on my knee so what you can't read just whistle and keep going.

PS. Say Hannah you sure thought a good thing when you sent the face cream. I was out and it was just what I needed. Next thing I want you to look for is a looking glass. I don't want a big one but one with thick heavy plate glass so it wont break. You know the kind it doesn't need to be fancy so long as the glass is there.


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