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Date: July 19th 1918
Brother and Sister

17 Mill Road

July 19-1918

My Dear Brother & Sister

I am very proud to tell you that we have had a visit from John. He arrived on Wednesday the 10th of July at nine oclock in the morning at Carluke Station. Davie's two daughters and little boy and Babs eldest girl and I were at the station to meet him. I would have known him anywhere. He is very like you, and you. used the right word when you said that he was a splendid boy. I think he is one of the very, very best. I liked to sit and look in his face when he was telling us all about his people at home he loves you all so dearly, and I thought he was so like you. He has such clear, bright, true eyes. There were two things I was very sorry about. The first was we had not room for him in our little home. You see when mother died and I was left to my own I was afraid I would not be able to pay the rent at the Brid-en and so I looked out for a single end and got this one it is quite big enough for Marion and I. From the time we knew of his coming we were wishing we had been at the Brig-en. We had made up our mind that he would stay at Babs. She stays up the Old Knowe in a New Building called "Melville Place" and has a very nice comfortable home and a room and bed that she never uses, so Marion and she had it all prepared for him and Marion was going up to stay all the time, but Davie's folk asked him to stay with them before we had time to explain, so we did not want to thwart them, and then they were more like his own age and they have a piano and could entertain him, but Marion and I had long talks with him. Then the other thing I was sorry at, I tried to get a holiday when he was here, in fact, I was wishing he would not get leave until I had my holidays but I did not manage I warned Mr Watson when I got your first letter that I would need to get a holiday when he came, but when the time came and I asked for a holiday he told me that he may as well shut the shop as let me off, however he let me away at nine oclock on Saturday morning and I claimed John for Saturday and Sunday. His Uncle John came up from Hamilton on Thursday afternoon and his Uncle Charlie could not come up himself but he sent up his daughter Jean on Thursday to bring him down to Motherwell, so he went to Charlie's and stayed all night and then Jean got a half holiday from her work and took him down to John's on Friday. He came back to Carluke on Friday night and his Uncle Charlie and Uncle John were both up again on Saturday and spent the day. Davie took him to the Burn and guddled a bairdy. Have you forgotten what that means. Aggie Gilchrist sent a special invitation for him to come to tea, so Uncle John and I took him up and they received him very kindly. We let him see through the wide close and told him about Bobbie Dicks workshop. It is just about a stone throw from our house to Davie's so that we saw him often, often. I was telling him that he was doubly dear now because I loved him before ever I saw him for his father's sake, but now, I love him far, far more for his own sake. I took him to the church on Sunday and then I took him round to see Mr. Turnbull our Minister. He has just been away in France for four months among the soldiers and he is a great favorite with them. He was delighted to see and speak to John and spoke very, very kindly to him. His Uncle Davie and I took him to Motherwell on Sunday afternoon, We took the motor Bus from Carluk to Wishaw and changed there and got the tram car to Motherwell. He got his train at Motherwell about ten oclock p.m. We could not wait all the time but we stayed about two hours at Charlie's. I expect his Uncle John would be over from Hamilton to see him off along with Charlie. I was very vexed to part with him. I could have kept him altogether if I could. I have tried to give you an outline of his visit I hope you can make it out. Every one of us was very much impressed with him. I dont know what kind of impression we would have on him. He will write and tell you of his visit. I think he enjoyed himself. Before he went away on Sunday he asked me to take care of some money for him. He was afraid that he might lose it. He left four ten dollar notes and one pound note in our money. I went to the post mistress on Monday and asked her advice, and she said that the nearest place to get the money changed was Glasgow. She advised me to ask Mr. Bouglas who is a bank agent and travels from Carluke to Glasgow every day to get it changed for me so he did so and advised me to put it in the Bank at Carluke in John's name per my own name so that when he sends for any of the money I will have the right to lift it and send it to him. I got two pound for each of the notes that was eight pounds and the one pound note in our money makes it nine pounds in all. I sent the receipt of the changed money to John. I am very proud of the trust he has placed in me I hope I shall never betray that trust. I love him very much. Don't be long in answering this letter. I got your letter last Thursday and Hannah's photo a week later. I think she is lovely. I remain your loving Sister.


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