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Date: July 17th 1918
Robertson, John Hill

Seaford Sussex


July 17/18

Dear Mother

I have just arrived back from leave and have had a good time so I thought I would write and answer the letter I have. I got one from Hannah just as we were leaving and one from Hannah and yourself when I returned. I got the money order Ok and was surprised at you sending it. I have been telling you all along I had enough but you won't believe me it seems so I will have to stop saying anything. Just to show you I had lots you will hear form Aunt Jim in a few days. I left $40 and a pound note with her. So I can get it in a few days if I need it. I wish you wouldn't send any more for a while at least. I'll write you soon enough when ever my reserves run low. I got payed [?] when I left for Scotland and our pass includes train to so it don't cost anything to travel. If you send anything let it be chocolate bars and conf. biscuits & cake etc. It is sweet things and [?] we can get. I haven't got any parcel yet but I'm glad Hannah though of the cream the stuff I have here is like greese.

I had a good time on my leave. It was 7 days and it didn't take long to pass. The shortest week I ever saw since I left home. There was a special train to take us to London and we arrived at about noon. I spent the afternoon and Evening till 8.30 looking around. I visited the famous madame Tussands Wax works. It was great. London is certainly a busy place and the streets go every way. But I didn't get lost. Three other fellows and I were together. I took the 8.30 Express form Euston station so I traveled all night and got off at Carstairs junction you have to figure out nearly every thing for yourself when treveling here. There is no Conductor to ask what is the next station and when to change. From Carstairs junct. to Carluke only took a little while. Mary, Jean Ross & Aunt Jim were all down to meet me. I didn't know them but the shouted on me. I was the only Canadian Soldier in sight so I guess they thought they were safe. They were all small besides me. Especially Aunt Jim. She only stands with her shoulder at my elbow so you can figure how small she is. Charles would be a head taller than her. They were all tickled to death to see me and I couldn't have had better treatment anywhere. I had to see Aunt Marion right away. Then go to Uncle Davie's house just about a hundred yards father down. Then Aunt Marion's daughter Bab. I was kept busy all day. Next day I had to see all the old Timers dad knew. Aunt Jim's boss & an Aunt of Jimmie Gilchrists'. I also went all over seeing the Old Bridge end and the house where Dad was born. Uncle John came up from Hamilton and Cousin Jean, Uncle Charilies daughter from Motherwell. I had to go to Motherwell then to see them. I stayed there one night. They are all fair haired. Uncle Charlie and the whole family. Jean is the oldest she is 19 and was very nice to me she works in a Confectionary store and would have me go down to see her. When I got to the shop she couldn't get off but her friend in the store showed me around so that was fine after dinner Jean and John, he's 16, took me to Hamilton to see Uncle John. It isn't very far and don't take long on the buss. On the way we crossed the Clyde. I was quite disappointed in it. I'm sure it isn't any bigger then Buck Creek at least it wasn't where we crossed. I also saw the Duke of Hamilton's Castle. It certainly is a big place from the outside. I'd like to go through it. Uncle John took me around the pit head and showed me it all. He has about 60 girls under him now you ought to see them up to the eyes in cold dust it isn't a very nice job for girls I don't think. Mary Alsopp is working there. The old [?] & Fred & little Joe came to see me and we had a talk but they didn't stay long. They are getting on well but would like to get back to Canada like the rest of us. Uncle Johns boys, John & Alex were just going away for their holidays so I didn't see much of them. I spent the afternoon at Hamilton then went back to Carluke. I certainly was well treated everywhere If I was in Carluke Uncle John and Charlie came there to see me. When I was there with them Uncle Davy & Aunt Jim came so I was all right. Aunt Jim was awfully busy. She works from 6 in the morning till 10 at night. She brings work home with her. It is the Holiday season that is why she is so busy. But I got on famous with all. The were falling over one another to be good to me. They made me feel as if I were the Prince of Wales. I didn't get to see Aunt this time but I get four days more leave before we go to France which will be a couple of months yet. I thought I could have did the whole works in 7 days but I would have been on the go all the time. So I just stayed in Scotland. They kept me busy talking. Telling them all they wanted to know. We had pictures taken at Uncle Davies place. I will send them when they arrive. I hope they are good. I will get a picture taken in town soon and send one. I will be kept busy writing for a few days but I'll soon catch up. I just received charles letter dated June 28 as I am writing also dad note enclosed. He must have had a regular blow out with bud. I will write him in a day or so. I will draw to a close now with love to all Hoping to hear from you soon.

Your loving Son John

PS Please don't send any more money for a while mother you know I'm not afraid to spent it for anything I need but I don't want to wast any I know where to get it and will certainly let you know. If you send parcles send [?] & gum etc you know what I like. Love to all


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