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Date: September 15th 1918
George L. Ellen

Sept 15, 1918

Dear Lillian,

I received your most welcome letter of Aug the 24 this afternoon I sure was more than pleased to hear from you once more I don't see why you should tease me about that letter for it was all up to you when you got her to write to me. But I haven't got the letter from her yet. Say I will let you know when I do.

We are having some weather here that you can not call call good. But still it is not too bad yet there has been some rain the last two weeks.

I have seen Hadden's grave several times and it was in good shape I have often wished that I could get some pictures taken of it so that I could send them to you.

I wish that I could drop in just now for that auto ride I will bet you would sure do some tall talking. It is now twenty minutes after eleven o'clock at night. I think that the only car ride that I would get would be in a Ambulance to the hospital.

Say how would you like to trade places with me for to night. I am a way down deep in the bowels of good old Mother earth in a german dug out writing this letter to you. And just think of it you are thinking this I will will not have time to write to you any more. Say I think that I will play a trick on you when i get that letter that you speak of. I will bet you any thing that you like that you can't guess what.

Say is there any word of Myrtle getting married? Tell Laura that I would like to see her with Jake. Well I will have to close for this time and get my beauti sleep. I hope that you will please write again soon.

Sincerely Yours,


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