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Date: February 15th 1919
Mother and Father
Walter Liddiard



Feb. 15th 1919

Dear Mother & Dad,-

I have made another move and am down near Boulogne at No 14. Gen Hosp. I don't know why they sent me here as there is nothing much wrong with me, I'm not kicking though its jake-a-lon with me, we came down in a hospital train from Huy (pronounced We) taking a day and a half to do it [?]. Some of the chief places we passed through are - Namur, Charleroi, Lille, La Bassee, Bethune, [?], St. Omer; all of which were pretty from prominent in the war news.

I saw the battle tom area again, and thank God we are not there fighting now, the trenches and shell holes are half filled with water and covered with ice. It is certainly a barren desolate looking sight.

It will take years to build those places up again in a few places some industries farmers have plowed up the ground, but as yet very little reconstruction work has been started.

Talk about an easy time on the train, we could lay in bed all day if we wished and have our meals in bed. I have just finished the laziest week of my life, and this is just about as easy, though there is more discipline here such as being in bed by 9, and in the hospital by 8, and being restricted to a certain district.

This is quite a place, it is a suburb of Boulogne and judging by the buildings it must be a high-toned place in peace times, We are in a big stone building, I don't know what it was before the war but it sure is classy. It is right close to the beach not being more than 100 ft from the water.

We are having a cold snow here (and in England too) all the water pipes in the Hospital are frozen up, which makes it darned awkward.

There are about 60 in out ward, all skin diseases, mostly Impetigo, Scabies and Eczema. I am lucky to get right down here, I expected to be away from the battling for only a few days, Now it is very unlikely that I will rejoin them. I hope not, its better here than looking after [?].

Another Victoria fellow named Goldie is with me, we have kept together right along. He has Impetigo too.

Well I will close for now, guess I won't get any mail for awhile again.

Hope you are both well

Your loving son



Went for a walk along the beach and through the town. This must be quite a fashionable summer resort in peace times. They are all fine buildings especially along the water- front. I am enclosing a couple of views, which will give you an idea of what it is like.

I have a blue uniform now, that is the hospital

[?] [?]
