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Date: August 18th 1918
Mother and Father
Walter Liddiard

No. 19 August 18th 1918.

Dear Folks:-

Well here we are again nothing much to write about this time but will do my best.

I didn't go on the machine-gun this week as I expected, for some reason they didn't call out the 4.5 men picked out, may possibly go on next week, but it's doubtful, I have been on the 4.5 all week, pulling them around for exercise, guess I'll be in the school of Gunnery for another two weeks anyway.

I see the Canadian's have been in the heavy fighting lately, and have done well, that should make up get over there before long. I won't be sorry to go, a person gets kind of tired of being in one place and wants a change once in a while.

It is possible we may go to Siberia, but its hard to say for sure. I wouldn't mind that at all in fact I would rather like it but I don't think I'll volunteer for it.

I went to a pierrot show at the YMCA last night, it was pretty good reminded me of the pierrots at Stadacona Park. Tonight I am going to another lecture by that Rev. Dr. Francis I told you about before, he is worth hearing, believe me.

I haven't heard from Geo or Tom Norris since I came here, I wrote to George once but haven't had an answer yet, he might not have got it, I'll send a post card to him to wake him up. Wonder if his address is the same.

Received a letter from McLean the other day, he writes a good letter, they have been having a quiet time lately, but I guess now they are getting it pretty thick now. Well that's the only way to finish the war, it's no use waiting there and doing nothing, it would go on indefinitely that way. I think they will keep on pushing back the Huns till they call enough.

Next Wednesday there is to be a big water carnival at Godalming from the programme it will be like the 24th May. I will sure be there if possible.

We are being fed pretty well now, this morning I had all I could possibly eat and then there was some left. The only trouble is the way they keep us waiting for it to be served up. Yesterday morning I went for the first time sitting but it filled up just before I reached the door, so had to wait for the second and believe me it's some wait. I finally got out at 7.25, had to make up my bed, put on my putties gas mask, bandolier, clean my shoes, polish my buttons and badges and be on the parade grounds at 7.45. Believe me I sure moved some but just managed to make it.

I see by the paper that the Rev. [?] has resigned, that's too bad but I don't blame him, it's a discouraging position. Do you still attend church, Dad?

Well, folks I will close, I not in the writing mood and there is nothing much to write about wither.

Everything is jake-a-lon- with me and I am feeling in the pink.

Your affectionate son


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