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Date: April 22nd 1918
Mother and Father
Walter Liddiard

No 2601947

Segregation Camp

Canadian Reserve Artillery

[?] Camp, Milford
Surrey England

April 22nd 1918

Dear Mother & Dad:-

I sent you a letter yesterday but since then I have found the address is not quite right although I guess it would find me alright. Am just going to send a telegram to you saying we arrived OK. I guess you have it now.

We are not allowed to tell anything about the boat trip but there is nothing much to tell anyway so it doesn't matter much.

Today has been fine and sunny quite a change from yesterday, when it rained all day and sure made things muddy around here. I guess we will have good weather from now on.

I stopped this to send the telegram, Tom, Jack Jameson and I sent it together to Tom's brother. That way it only cost 6s. each, which isn't so bad. I know you will be anxious to hear. The food we get here is few and although they don't over feed us I guess it's plenty to keep us going. I'm satisfied so far anyway. It is [?] better than what we had on board ship.

I like it fine here now but the first day was rather wet and miserable. We I heard that George Heshall has come over, tell Mrs Henshall not to worry he will be alright here. I wrote Harold once since I came here. How is Bill Cheeseman making out, has he gone to work on the farm yet? I hear that they are stopping parcels from Canada now, oh well I get enough to eat, but I could sure eat some of your cakes [?]. Never mind I will make up for it when I get back. Talking about getting back, I still expect to get back within the year two months are nearly gone now most of the boys who have been over feel sure it will end before the end of this tear and then I guess we will have to wait awhile to before we get back.

I have had an easy week of it, the first part of the week we moved into huts and they are fine, lots more convenient than then tents, although we had got rather used to tenting. We have just been doing route marching and a little physical training it's like Signal Hill again. The [?] is better too, and several [?] cleaner. Tim and I are still sleeping together and Jack is in the same hut. Ms Roberts is in another hut not far away. We had a holiday Friday (24th) half a day Saturday and a holiday today. Friday we went to Godalming a little town about 2 ½ miles from here, We had a god time of it, had some fried eggs, 2 slices of bread & butter, two pieces of cake and a cup of tea for 1 [?]. Another place We had some first class tea (3 cups) jam and some fine cakes. The tea was sweetened and had lots of milk it in, believe me folks, it went down good. In the evening To, and I went to a dance which cost us 2 [?] and 1[?] to check out clothes. They dance just the same as they do at home. I met one of the boys from Doug's battery then We had quite a talk about [?] and things at the front and in Victoria He is anxious to get back there, says it is better there than here, Godalming is a queer little old-fashioned place of about 2000 inhabitants, it has very narrow streets and old style buildings. It was sure interesting to us. The town was just packed with soldiers, they most of outnumbered the civilians by 20 to 1. All the clerks in the stores are girls, old men and middle aged women. The walk to Goldalming was very pretty all around here is like a little fairy land, I think it is prettier than Victoria. I never get tired of walking along these country lanes, they are very pretty. Last night Tom and I went to a show at Fintown, that's a small town right in the [?]

It's the first show I've seen for two months so naturally I enjoyed it. It's a nice little house which holds about 800 and is well patronized. The show was called '[?] Cover' an American play and was very well acted. The charge was only 6[?].

This morning we had church parade and tonight I intend to go to an old stone church about 2 miles from here. Tomorrow night We are going to Guildford a town of 30,000 and about 1 mile from camp to see some war pictures, which they say are great actual photo's. I bought a little silver artillery broach at Godalming for you ma which I am going to register tonight. I hope you will like it, it didn't cost much but it makes a nice souvenir. Jack and I walked about 3 miles this morning to register it but found the [?] doesn't open till tonight.

I wrote a letter to Aunt Annie in London but had it returned to me today, she must have moved, Received a letter yesterday from Aunt Kate, just giving me directions for finding my way there, I guess I will be welcome there by the way she writes.

They have some queer expressions in the army here, sad nobody would think it was an English army to hear some of the serjeants here. (P.S. one of the boys is just playing Robin Adain, it almost makes me homesick) For, a, they say Ack, B.- Beer. and D,- [?] [?]. In the well call the other day the serjeant called out for a soldiers initials ack. [?], which I after found to be a. m. They have all kinds of noises for attention. Here are some, Chow- Chuet. Ch, Ten-shon, Shen. and some that can't be written, they have to be sneezed. Me [?] says-eight-eft eight eft. for right, left, Tun for turn, I guess its to make the order sound sharp but it sure sounds funny. The Y.m.c.a have a library from which I have started taking books. I have a novel by Joseph Hooking now which is pretty good. I intend to go to the [?] college as soon as I have a chance. I broke the strap in my Wrist Watch so bought a wide one at Godalming for 1/6. It is keeping good time.

How is the C.S. getting on Dad are you still keeping it up, I am as much as possible and I think it is good stuff. Well, folks, I must draw this rambling letter to a close There isn't a lot of news so I have to write about anything at all I see the yanks are getting a big army over here. I guess things will happen pretty soon to our advantage. Meanwhile I am feeling fine and contented I don't care [?] long they keep me here. Your loving Son Walter

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