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Date: November 16th 1917
Ludlow Weeks

Witley Camp.
Friday Nov.16, 1917.

Dear Mother:-

I have a few moments off now, so I thought I would write you. A big mail from Canada came 2 days ago but no mail for me. But it is very simple. There was a period in which I was not sure of my address and I wrote to no one, so I am getting no letters. The American mail came a couple of days before that with a letter from Sis, but nothing from you.

I have a picture which I am going to send you. I cut it from a magazine. It shows Lt-col Simpson D.C. of the 2nd Brigade and two battery commanders. Do you remember that I was in "D" Battery. Well our O.C then was Capt.Pickles. He is on the Colonel's right. Our present O.C., of "E" Battery, is Lt.Gault. He is on the Colonel's left. The baseball team is of the "C" Battery where a lot of our fellows were put. I thought it would be an interesting so I am sending it. The other officer on the right is chaplain, a dandy officer.

What do you think of my new writing pad. I got a new kind yesterday. I've tried about all the kinds there are. Did you like the kind with the crest on the top of it.

When you write again, omit the 2nd Brigade from the address but put it "E" Battery, Can. Reserve Artillery.

There has been nothing happening worth talking about. I had a bath the night before last and enjoyed it very much. I ordered a dozen Xmas cards in Godalming with the art'y crest on them.

Well I had better close now. I'll write again Sunday. Wish you could get some Truro papers over some way.


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