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Date: February 11th 1917

College Street

My Own Darling Kitty

Your welcome letter of the 5th arrived yesterday morning. I was expecting one from on Friday but I suppose you didn't know whether to write or not as you were expecting to hear that I had started back. Well darling I hope to be either on the way by the time you get this or else to be getting ready to leave here. I am going to the factory tomorrow & I hope to be through with them there so that I can get right after the doctor. I think the leg is as good as they can make it except that the ankle has a little too much movement so that the foot makes too much of a bump when I put it down flat. Perhaps that is because I am not quite got on to the way of putting down properly. Anyway if they alter it it wont take them long & I can wait in the shop until its done. it's a little bigger around the ankle than my good foot is too, but I dont think they can improve on that much as its rather difficult for them to get them exactly alike except its a rubber foot and they have no ankle movement. Then again I have a pretty small food (swank). I think on the whole I have a pretty good limb though and am getting pretty well used to it now. I can walk as well as some that have had their legs for a month or two & have longer stumps that I have. I am practising now to see what I can do without the cane. Of course I shall have to use a cane for walking any distance but will be able to manage around the house without it. Well dearie I had an enjoyable time at the party of Friday night, but didn't sleep much after on account to having some coffee before leaving so I had a good rest yesterday and feel alright today. Its funny that my letter went astray like that. I guess they took Mollie's name for the name of the town, but surely I write more distinct that that. Yes sweetheart I will put the number of the train & the time its due at Calgary on the wire, but if its too cold & you have to wait long at Calgary I wouldn't bother about being there dear. Of course I shall look out for you honey & if I dont see you in the depot I shall know that you didn't come up. If I have to wait long I can put in the time at the Returned Soldiers Club its only about three blocks from the station & there will be some of the boys around there to keep me company. I think I shall be back before Christmas alright dearie. it's a year ago today since I sailed from England. It certainly doesn't seem that long to me, but it does seem a long time since I was wounded nearly two years now. Those people must be getting anxious about you & I getting married darling. I suppose they wanted to know something about the event & thought that was a good way to pump for it. I am glad the weather is a little warmer for you honey. I guess the worst of the winter is over now & we shall soon be having spring with us. It was lovely weather at Carmaugay when I was there last spring. I think it snowed one day & a Chinook wind came up & soon took it away again. Its too bad that you had to wait so long for the concert to start bear, but I am glad you enjoyed it. How did the other come off? The one you were going to take part in. I am sorry to hear that Mrs Ridd had been so ill but I hope she is much better now. I guess it make [?] feel a bit blue when she got the news. I was glad to know that Billy was fortunate enough to be able to see his people so often. I guess he made the best of the opportunity too. I hope he has been able to see Will & Molly by now. I guess Necia will be worrying about Jim going overseas now on account of the subs, but I dont think there is much danger of a troopship being torpedoed. The navy seems to look after them alright or use its just luck that they have only got one so far. Its marvellous the number of troops that have been transported so many miles in safety. I see in last nights paper that the British have captured 200 subs altogether including the Deutchland. That's not an official report but I shouldn't wonder at it as they keep those things very quiet. Well my darling I think this is all the news for now you may get a wire before this. In any case dear I think I shall be on my way before I could get a reply from it so you needn't answer it. Tons of love & millions of kissesXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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