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Date: January 30th 1916

From: Caintown, Ont.
30 Jan. 1916
8:30 p.m.

Dear Gordon:

I have just got Cecil and Arthur off to bed and must now try to write a few lines to you, as you will doubtless be expecting some word from me.

My dear boy, I scarcely know what to write to you. You have been in my thoughts so much all this past week. How I wish I could fly to Kingston and just see for myself how you are! I did feel so upset when I received your letter last Monday evening. I scarcely slept a wink all night, and hardly knew what I was doing on Tuesday. Then when mail-time came on Tuesday, your second letter did not come as I expected. I know that was not your fault as you intended it to reach me Tuesday evening. And I see it has the 11 a.m. postmark at Kingston for the 25th (Tuesday), just as the one I received on Monday had the 11 a.m. postmark for the 24th (Monday). But for some reason, it did not come. You can imagine I felt fairly wild and imagined all sorts of things and felt as if I never could exist until Wednesday at mail-time. However, the time did pass and, as you said, I was greatly relieved when I found you were not going at once, when the expected letter came to hand Wednesday evening. You, however, I can see, are rather disappointed, as you will not now be with Greig and others you know. But Gordon dear, try to believe it is all for the best. It would have been hard to go away now in the middle of winter, and so suddenly. Oh! I do pray the terrible war may soon end before you ever get to the field of action. But, there does not seem to be much prospect for that, does there? It did seem so cruel and horrid the way you all were inoculated and vaccinated. Do you feel all right now? I should have thought you would not need to be vaccinated when you were before. I was surprised at that. I do hope you have not such a dreadful arm as you had the other time. Is your arm very sore? How I do wish I could see you! Gordon, there is one thing I want you to do for me, some of these days when you are feeling all better and when you can get the time to spare. And that is to go to a photographer and get your picture taken. And I want you to get three, at least, of the photos - one for me, one for Gladys, and one for Grace. You need not get a large size - cabinet - unless you wish - just a small size somewhere about size of small envelope would answer. But I would like the full length figure in your uniform. You could then send the ones for Gladys and me, to me, and then if you only could get the time to write Grace a short letter (I know she would be so glad to get it) and send her the photo too.

I gathered from one of your letters that you got your meals at the barracks. Is that the way? I thought you would get 75¢ a day, perhaps, for your board and then get your meals where you had been doing. That was what you thought, wasn't it, when we talked about it? I suppose, of course, you still have your room at 212 Stuart St. But do you get much time for study? It is such a pity you cannot sleep in your room.

Poor Gladys and Harold have never been home since they went back this new year. I had a letter from Gladys and she was not well - said she just coughed nearly all the time and had such a terrible pain in her side. I have been real uneasy about her. Your Grandma, Grandpa and Viola have all had La Grippe quite badly. None of us here have had it yet. I have been real well so far this winter.

I hope your cold is better. It must be hard to keep from getting cold when you have to stay out at night that way. I do not like that. It seems to me they should make it more easy for the students when they are studying. They do not seem to be treating the students as they were led to believe they would be treated, are they? Did you not understand you would have time for your studies and that you would not be called upon for duty until you had finished your year, when you enlisted?

I was surprised that Dr. Connel only charged you $15. I certainly expected it would be much more. Too bad, though, that he did not help your eye!

Best love to you, my dear brave Gordon. Write when you can.


P.S. Gordon, dear, I hope you do not forget your prayers and Bible reading - the way you now are living. I am sure, though, you will not do that.

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