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Date: June 27th 1944

New Westminster B.C.

June 27, 1944

My Dear Son,

Received two letters from you yesterday & must say, was very delighted to hear from you. was beginning to wonder what was wrong, one was dated the 19th of May and the other was 5th of June, so you can see how long they took to come. Today I went into town & bought your collar stays & will send a parcel tomorrow & send them. Your victory bond arrived today, so you don't' have to worry about that.

Billie Bradshaw and Doug were here a few nights ago they are both well & Billie is leaving on the eighth of July for Manning at Edmonton he passed the medical A1, he thinks he will have to go as W.A.G. or straight A.G. but he think that o.k. Dough is going to Varsity, he says his dad wont hear of him going into the service & you cant blame him, as he has already given two sons, and that is enough in one mans family. Have you received any of the cigarettes yet? We sent another 1000 on Saturday, so they should be starting to get through by this time. You remember me telling you about Margaret Jeffcoats boyfriend joining the air force, well when he got to Manning they discovered he was color blind so he coming back & has to go into the army.

Bob Scott is here now & told me to tell you that the Forestry has has ther picnic at Bowen Island & the Burnaby boys carried off 60% of the prizes, good going I would say.

Was just talking to Bob Stewarts mother on the phone, she gave me his address to send to you so here it is

P/O R.M. Stewart
Officers Mess
Gaspe P.Q.

Write often, lots of love from home.

Love as always,


Original Scans

Original Scans
