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Date: July 21st 1944

New Westminster B.C.
July 21, 1944

My Dear Son,

Just came home from town, so thought I had better dash off a few liens befor going to bed, havent had any mail from you for quit some time. hope everything is o.k. with you sent you another parcel of cigs. today, hope you are receiving them allright, be sure to let me know this is the forth parcel we have sent, I mean of cigs.

There isent much news around home everything is just about the same as when you left, Doug, and Donnie Hide are about the only ones of your old gang that are left saw them the other night & they are well. told me they had a letter from you & said they would ans. it right away.

Ruth is working this afternoon shift but things are getting pretty slack down there, they have no new contracts, so dont know what is going to happen. but we should worry only hope it means that the war will soon be over, everyone seems to think that it will end by September, so heres hoping.

Emil & Bert are still working in the ship yard, and Frank is still on the tug boat I think he runs as far as Prince Rupert, phoned me the other day and asked me if I wanted to go as far as Bella Bella with him, or course he only gave me three hours to get ready, so I couldent make it but maby I will get another chance soon. Next time I will make it.

Ruth had a letter from Gene, he was telling her all about meeting you in London. We were so glad that you had such a nice time together.

Havent much room left so will have to bring this to a close so as ever with all my love.


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