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Thurs. afternoon

Dear Mother,

Well Mom it looks like I'm not going to get home - at least not at the present. We had our drill test and passed it o.k., and everyone is entitled to a 72 or 96 after that, but as 600 men are being posted out of here tomorrow including Auzzies, N.Z., and the ones that are in disposal wing ahead of us we will not get ours until more men are in disposal wing. My former flight are posted to Mossbank to do tarmac duty and as that's an awful hole I'm just as glad I'm not with them. As you know Jim Clark took the mumps and another fellow by the name of Brownbridge and myself are the only ones left in our flight. I'm not certain but I believe Brownbridge and myself have to go in quarantine a week from tomorrow and we will be in there a week. We slept right across from Clark and that is the reason. Two weeks after I took the mumps the chaps who slept close to me had to go into quarantine. I believe we won't be here long after that because more men are coming every day.

The chaps in our flight are not to bad but not as good as my former chums. Gordon Hollick, Bill Ridley and myself all chum together. Hollick was in an aircraft factory down east and was a bookkepper. They're both nice fellows. It's possible I may be posted with them before I go into quarantine but I hardly think so. If not, Clark, Brownbridge and myself will always be together and I'm satisfied both ways. Not that we are in disposal wing we are doing fatigue duties and its been a fairly easy life so far. Yesterday I helped wax a floor in the mess for about an hour in the afternoon. I read after that. This morning we went on a route march through town (we go on one every week, about six miles). This P.M. I was called out for a knock and it was my last so you can imagine how happy I was. The Flight Seargent hadn't assigned any special work for me so I took the rest of the afternoon off and am writing letters. Last night Gordon, Bill, and I went to the show "Eagle Squadron". Last week we went to see "Mrs. Miniver", and we want to go and see "reap the wild wind" which is here now (shows here cost .47 cents for us).

I found out the price of my ticket to Kelvington and it is $13.55 return. We may get a leave any time and we may get none at all but in case we do I'm going to save money. Well Mom that's about all the news I have to give now. I am receiving all your letters but have not received the second batch of papers you said you were sending. I'm going to write dad now so adios.

Your loving son,

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