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Date: April 17th 1945
Marion Loney
Ted Loney

April 17, 45

Dear Mom:

Well at long last I am writing another letter.

For the last three weeks I have been with a troop that is doing gun drill but I am not doing the drill as I decided that the 5.5 was too heavy for me so I went to the M.O. and he agreed. Now he has me going up for a reboard tomorrow. That will knock my category down a notch or two.

Well I was also in line for a hook the catch in it was that I was to go on a Driver Mechanics course for N.C.O.s only and I was to get the hook so I could go. The course fell through so did the hook. The reason as far as I could find out the war is going too well.

Did I tell you that box 28 arrived a couple of weeks ago as per usual was very welcome.

Our bond drive is on now and I am getting another $100 one.

Now for some real news I was up to London the weekend before last to look for Peggy. Well I found the house she was staying at but found she had left some time before to Bookham which is about an hour from camp on the train and bus.

Last Sunday I started out again to find her which I did this time.

If you haven't had a letter from Uncle Charley you won't know that Gordon is now a proud Papa of a girl. She was born on the 25th of March. Myself I think that she looks like Gordon. I am going up again this Sunday.

Pegg is going home to Wales in a short time so I want to see her as often as I can now. She said that Gordon may be getting leave in a few weeks so I hope to see him then.

If I can work it I will try to get a leave about the same time.

Well I am at the end of the paper so I will close for now.

