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Date: May 10th 1918
George Leslie

May 10th [1918]

Dear Cath:

I've just come in from the movies and now before turning in must run of a line or two to let you know that I am still on the [planet?] feeling fine as silk. Hope this finds you in the best of health too. The show tonight was great and I enjoyed it all the more since it is the first movie show I've seen since last December. You know of course that the Y.M.C.A. have picture machines in huts all over the country and it is quite a common thing for troops not in the line to see high class films within easy range of the guns. The one we saw tonight was the drama "Under Two Flags" in 6 parts. Perhaps you've seen it yourself.

Have rec'd two letters from you lately dated Mar. 25th and April 2nd respectively the latter written in Ridgetown. Some two weeks or so ago I also got a very nice letter from your mother and was real pleased to hear from her. I don't know what Margaret will think of me for do you know I've never answered that dandy letter she sent me ages ago. However my intentions are still good and one of these days she'll get a big surprise in the form of one of these most interesting ? epistles.

So you've been taking some snaps lately. That's dandy! Needless to say I'll be delighted to have some of them and since you've so kindly promised to send them along I'll be on the lookout for them. Please accept my thanks.

Your mother was wondering if Lawrence Vannen & I saw each other very often. Why yes we do quite frequently - had a short spell together this morning at the ranges. He is in a machine gun section too and we were out doing a little practice firing. Do you know I had another peculiar meeting with a former member of the 241st today somewhat similar to that of Lawrence and myself. Only this chap turned out to be a distant relative (very distant to be sure but a sort of "kinsman" for all that). I'd never seen him before he came by the batt. but mother knows his people quite well. This chap is about my own age & is in charge of no. 6 gun crew and we've been rather chummy for months but neither had the least idea as to who the other was. I thought he came from out West but yesterday I happened to notice that he was reading an Essex newspaper and all of a sudden it just came to me who he really was. I asked him if he had ever heard of the Scherers in Ridgetown and that was all that was necessary. It was a really surprise for both of us. And before we've been knocking around together & out of the line for some time. Can you beat it?

We've been having grand weather of late: the last few days have been just like summer. Gee! How the time does fly! But I haven't seen any robins yet - guess they must be scared of Fritz but there's certainly no reason why they should be. He's been trying to do big things lately as of course you know but there's no need to worry - he'll not get very far.

You might be interested to know that Miss Edge's cousin is in charge of my company now - took over the company today. Think I told you before he was now a captain.

Jim McLaren sent me a card a couple of week ago so I presume he is O.K. We haven't seen each other for a long time but I'm hoping we shall meet one of these days. I haven't seen Harry B either but I understand he is now machine gun officer of the 18th. Lawrence Bobier expects to be out of hospital soon and thinks he is to be put in duty in England - doesn't seem to think he will ever have full use of his leg again. Rather hard lines but still he won't need to come over here again so in a way he's not as unlucky after all.

Well I must quit now and get to sleep. Best wishes
