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Date: October 17th 1917
Amos William

No. 4 Canadian General Hos
A.I Ward
Baringstoke Hants
Oct 17/17

My Dear Betty:-

I have just received your letters No 6-7-8 & the one with Billy's photo; which I am awfully pleased to have. The letters were addressed to Scotland & have been all over the place, so you will see the wisdom Betty of addressing all my letters c/o Bella, until further notice. Was very interested in all you news about garden - provisions - fuel & finances in general = I hope dear Betty that you will get all you fuel in this coming Spring for the following winter its the best plan, & surely before another winter comes along. I ought to be home. Don't build up any hopes Betty of my coming home in the immediate future - I don't expect it myself - I have not been before a Medical Board yet, so don't know what they will do with me - if man has to be pretty bad to get Canada, & men without limbs even, it is months & months before they get home. We must be patient surely the end will come soon, & it is far better to come home with all ones limbs & with a fare measure of health & strength, than come home a few months earlier & crippled for life - We have a great deal to be thankful for, The wound in my left elbow has opened a little, but it will be alright in a day or two again The other wounds are all healed the only after effects being in my left leg - I have no feeling in the knee & just above & below, the doctors say that the nerve was cut = but still I have the action of my knee & can move my leg freely, I am improving on the sleep proposition & I think that my nerves will be alright in the course of time. The trouble at home coming just when it did - did not help me any = though I am very glad that I am over here since that has happened.

Yes one cannot help but feel sorry for Mrs Pryor, you must do all you can for her = I am glad dear Betty that you are getting lots of company, its certainly better than being alone, I am very sorry that I am missing this time of the kiddies life, for it is the most interesting, & am afraid that I'll be more or less of a stranger when I do return home. For a change I am sending you a set of post-cards I kind of fancied them the other day. The food proposition is a very serious one over here, & when you talk of eggs & butter & pork & cake I feel hungry = one has to buy a good deal of their food, & then it is like buying gold - in fact many things you cannot even buy. Must ring off again, Fondest love & kisses to all God bless & keep you my dears


Betty xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Shirley xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Billy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Original Scans

Original Scans