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Date: May 3rd 1917
Amos William

853 Nassaw St.
Winnipeg. Can.
May 3-17

My dear Will.-

Seems years ago now.- I was in Nepawa, and you were at Mr. Dicusecores's[?] Funeral. The events of the day have been in my mind all day I though of it when I woke up: Shirley wanted me to put on my wedding dress - but I didn't think I'll even have at it to-day. as I usually celebrate the event It is a beautiful day - tho: clouding up once in a while like rain. I spect the morning "sprouting" The potatoes (will have none too many after all) and putting all the papers off the basement window, neatly in a barrel, against our next move. I have a bible Full to the top, so I guess. I may give some to the Red Cross now, instead of filling the basement. I also did all the cleaning I am going to do the cellar. - also came across o few scraps of Linoleum like the dining room, and covered the little platform at the back den - it will be easier to keep clean for the children to sit on, then the old rough board were

I have not had any more letters from you since wrote On Monday I got my other $25.ºº cheque so had the two. I washed & ironed that day - On Wednesday I washed all the "soldier sox" I have - 3 pairs also the 4 pair I made for the children ( If you came home this Summer I wont need to knit any more for 2 years or more) - all the dark takes & nutts[?] to put away For summer. In the afternoon - Billy & I went down street - banked my $50.ºº - mailed 3 parcel of papers to you - cashed Mrs. Rileys orders - and went to Eatons. I got my curtain stuff - [?]5¢ and I went & got Billy a little waggon. I did not tell you about Stanley & the other two kids getting tricycle & Billy was the only one with none (the big ones are at school He used the come in & count his coppers to see if you had nearly enough - & I was sorry for the poor kid. The tricycles were $2.50 for the kind without rubber tires. & His little red waggon was just $1.45 & he's very proud and careful of it & quite satisfied. I told him you could get him the rig when you came home. I was in to see Mrs. Gunn that p.m. - She is very miserable yet - not in bed, but her stomach is very bad still - We were talking about the price of things - & they say coal is up to $12.ºº now. I guess I'll get the 2 ton as soon as I can "finance" it. I got my cord of Tamarac yesterday ($8.50) and as sugar is going up I decided just to pay $15.ºº on the Insurance, & lay in a sack It is $9.45 now, & they say it will be up to 15 in a month but it may not. I have mine now any way. Have not paid any Insurance yet - I told him I might not be able to for a little, but will send in the $15.ºº right away & the other $12.ºº when I get the Emerson[?] $14.ºº, I'll have about $35.ºº at the last i.s. when I get the $14.ºº and pay the Ins. Fuel will be the only big item then till I have the $66.ºº to pay. If I get the draft I'll get the fuel I guess. They told Mr. Gunn its going up. So need to get out wood etc.

Ruby's got a [?] a great worker - splits wood morning - noon night. Am so glad Ruby will not have to work out - I hope too, they get a good start this year for I think they [?] buying the place after this year.

Well, I believe my house cleaning is nearly done at last. Yesterday I started all the curtains and put them up. - put up the new one on the shelves in the Kitchen & made a new duster pocket. I have to paint the verandah Floor, when it gets a little warmer and also any varnishing I may do. I Feel a bit lost when I look ahead - so few things waiting to be done of course I have the wood to pile, & the garden to put in. They removed the ashes this morning - just spread it in the alley. It will keep down weeds. I commented on him standing his saw in the alley too, & just throwing the blocks in as far as he can. He is due this p.m. As soon as the wood is away I want to get my fence repaired and the place well closed in against kids etc. I am hoping Mr.Gunn will spade up my garden for me again. The soldier next door came home from hospital yesterday. They are settled down to stay in that house now. She is going to have a garden too. Shirley seems to be getting along o.k. at school. I have many good laug at her. The day she went up to pay the light bill she said a man on the Canada Bread Waggon shouted at her & asked if she had much money. She said he looked like a burglar & she though if she said yes, he'd get down & rob her. So she told him No

This Lover of hers. Gordon, talks in school & had to stand in the corner; So in bed the other night she says "I wonder why he acts like that for he knows I see him - she thought that he should be acting pretty nice because she was present. He said something about the teacher saying Shirley was talking & the teacher said she did not say so - that Shirley knew how to behave herself. Thursday she let Shirley take a drink, because she was good. So I guess Maggies is starting in right. They teach them music. Shirley never hear of "do - re - mi- before - In the firmies now there is a Lottie - a darkey maid - & The boy calls her Lol-tee - & that was all Shirley cared make out of la - ti - do. It was so Funny. The teacher has some raw material there to develop. The other day they came home at noon - Nellie, & Shirley & Gordon & she - Gordon carrying her book bag. She ran ahead to see Billy's new waggon. & suddenly Thought of the bag so turned back to say "Oh, Gordon I forgot all about you carrying the bag." A man had his auto, in the alley & turned & took a look at the pair.

I wonder if you got the parcel (no. 4) in time for your wedding dinner. I wish I knew what to put in your next. Mention anything you'd like, and I can have it in mind. I can always put in short bread - tea , lots - etc. anyway.

The saw just arrived, and is whigging away. It is nice wood - not to large. I'll be glad to get that job done. I have no fire on this p.m. just accident - and it is pretty chilly. I'll start it up soon. I think I've enough slabs to do me over summer - and not use extra much of this cord of Tamarac -just for times when I need a good fire & to last a while.

I wish you were her to pass your opinion on the Kitchen and, in fact, the whole place, after my weeks of toil on it. It looks pretty fair. Quite a difference in the both - pantry, and Kitchen. It will be easier to keep clean now.

There is not so much war news this last little while - but a lot of talk of Food shortage - of Austria wanting peace etc. I do hope it ends very soon. If Austria dropped out, it might hasten the end too. 1.45 p.m. I stopped there to watch the saw a while & to pay the man. It did not take long to do it. And as soon as he left Billy & Stanley made a rush to pile it and I started a pile - & kept at it & then Shirley & Nellie came & the 5 of us worked till they began to drop off Billy first, but Shirley stuck with & after Billy came back & we finished it about 5.15 p.m. I am so glad for it was right as close to the alley as could be - some goon out there, & so easy to run off with. Mr. Burchill came & split up a nice heap. I seem to have got an extra big cord. Now the ashes is gone & the wood in, I'll try to get that wire fence fixed up tomorrow. & think I'll try to start digging the garden myself. Mrs. Faulkner takes a turn at theirs. I am not in love with the jog its pretty wet yet - I may go over to see Mrs. G[?] to-morrow & see if he has started theirs yet. I put the big the big porch storm window, the side one down cellar - & am waiting to get the other off - no hurry tho its cold yet.

Quite a wedding day! I am a bit lonely this hr. Must get my Kidlets in, & to bed soon. I gave Nellie & Stanley 1¢ each for them - wood - but when Shirley & Billy stayed with it. I told them I'd give them 5¢ each. They were a good help too. We had a supper of tomato soup. When we came in which was very "grateful" If the war would only end, & let you home again I see in to-nights They are starting a new "Big drive," also 2 or 3 more "Lyterfood"[?] men - from Carmen[?] wounded on in Gayson[?], I think. May be there will be one from you tomorrow - Bye bye dear Will many happy returns. Love & Kisses


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