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Date: February 3rd 1917
Amos William

8-30 P.M

Feb 3rd 1917

My Dear Betty:-

Back in London again, I left Sheffield this morning, leaving home at 6-15 am. & arrived in London at 11-30 - I went immediately to Westminster Abbey to attend the Memmorial Service to the late Earl of Cromer - order of which I am enclosing - it was another of the great experiences I shall never forget - the service was the most impressive I have ever been privileged to attend. The music & singing was majestic & beautiful; it was beyond description; then the fact that we were gathered in the Holies of Holies of the British Race - the place made sacred by the greatest & noblest hearts of all our Nation's Sons & Daughters (as they sleep the last majestic sleep of death) fragrant & hallowed with all the memory & association of a thousand years & more was in itself inspiring & solemnizing - As I sat at the front of Mr Ewart Gladstone's statue & right over the spot where he & his wife are burried, & gazed around at Monuments & tombs, also at the assembly of the illustrious living (am enclosing clipping) I could not help but lift up my heart in deep gratitude to God, for the heritage that was mine, & the pride of race thrilled my soul & brought the tears of sincere yet humble pride to my eyes = Yes Old England is still worth fighting - dying & living for you will have read something of the life and achievement of Lord Cromer - associated with General Gordon - & Kitchener in the conquest & development of Egypt. so need not say anything further. After leaving the Abbey I went to Buckingham Palace - Marborough House - Whitehall etc, but the Royal Mews on the Royal Stables & Carriage Houses were most interesting - I was lucky enough to meet a groom employed in the King's Stables and old S.A. veteran & he took me around showing me everything there was to be seen of interest, I saw all the Royal Horses, over 100 (my they were splendid - beauties) then the state harnesses & Royal Coaches, the last but not least being the State Coach in which the Kings & Queens of England for the last 170 years have rode to Westminster to be crowned - also it is used at the opening of Parliament - 7 of England's monarchs have used it - it weighs over 3 tons, made of solid English oak - beautifully carved - gilded with pure gold leaf & on the pannels are painted beautiful pictures by one of the worlds greatest painters. the coach was over 3 years building, I am enclosing actual photos of it, From the Royal Mews I went thro Hyde Park - along the famous "Rotten Row" & took the bus for the World Famous "Madam Tussauds" the wax-works, & also where are kept relics of Napolion, including his private carriage which was taken at Waterloo, the bed that he died on - clothes that he wore, chairs that he sat on etc etc = then there were relics of Wellington - Nelson & other of our great men & women. I am sending you the guide so that will describe all I saw, far better than I can. I am seeing London better than I have ever done before, & I certainly appreciate all that I am seeing as good deal more, I only wish that you were with me dear. I am expecting to attend morning Service at St Paul's Cathedral to-morrow & will tell you about it, I was disappointed in meeting my old friend Sydney, as he had been called back from London, I found a telegram waiting for me at the club from him to that effect, hope to see him soon however I certainly seem to strike London at some very interesting times. last time I was in, there was the Political Crisis, & now this afternoon we have received the News that at last the U.S.A has severed relations with Germany. London as a whole received the news very quickly - though you can note the tense-anxious, feeling evident everywhere as we wait for developments of the next few hours - I do believe that this last act of Germany, is the final act of a nation driven to desparation, & that it is indeed the beginning of the end "God grant it."

Must close now dear I am very tired & I want to get up early in the morning. Fond-Fond, love dear heart to yourself & kiddies lots of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

your loving husband

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