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Date: August 5th 1917
Amos William

853 Nassau St.. Winnipeg,
Manitoba, Can,
August 5, 17.

My dear Will,-

Sunday afternoon and I shall write off another little note. Of course there is no more word from you yet, - and the days are long. It is nearly a week now since the telegram came, and by the end of another week we may begin to look for a letter. I have sent two since we heard, sent them to the Hospital at Rouen (8th [?])[??] going to send them to the Army P.O. London till I heard from you, you may get this one first.

Your name was in the list on Thurs. also Mr. Pryor's photo. Rev. Kaye is to be at Broadway next Saturday, so if I see him, I may be able to exchange information with him. Your photo will be in one of these days The returned soldier next door, asked for it, to put in. I shall send you the paper, of course.

Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy called last evening. He has been away out in Sask. & just got home yesterday & came right out. He saw the [?], and thought it was you. In the Press - they had not even Col. His name - nor our street & no. They are very kind and nice. He assured me again, that he would do anything to help us. Mrs. Hargrave phoned last night again. I guess you and her son were put in different companies. Mr. Smalley did not call or phone yet - he surely must have sent it. Not having phoned before it was published I did not afterwards.

Well, dear Will you should hear your little family laying plans for daddy coming home. Nothing but a "parlor" car, (Eelectric car) will serve Shirley to bring you in. She will not take any more coppers for mailing letters - if they are to you; and Billy is going to "joy-in" the army. He was looking very cross the other day & says - I may as well go and get that business over - " I asked him what? He says to pay these Germans back for what they did to papa. He hardly knows what to do - this morning he said, "I don't want to leave Canada, I'll have to stay and take care of you." He told me the other day its beauty to have a mother like you - so kind & good - such nice eyes & face." He's a funny little duck." Shirley has been decorating the kitchen for you too, with little pictures out of fashion books of Thorey's. They expect you soon, and, how we are all wishing we could get you here. It is a comfort to know you are being taken care of, and we are now really looking ahead to when you can come home - even before the end of the war - tho' we long for that time, too.

It is getting cool, and fall-like already. I have a little fire on in the kitchen to-day. We do not seem to have had any summer this year;- only a week or two of real hot weather.

Miss Cleadermen is still staying here (nights) and it is a great comfort to have some one. This has been the longest week of my life. If we only knew how you are, etc. The neighbors (mostly) have been kind. Mr. Burchill came in to phone yesterday and we were talking about you; He says he feels mean that he has not gone, but he does not want to go. His wife won't let him - she has five brothers there now. Mr. B. said if we needed help to call on him - that he might split more wood anyway - so I'll sure to get it in before you come.

You will know, dear Will, that it is hard to write - not knowing just how poorly you may be - but do not worry for us, we are down now, because you are hurt, but we are keeping up our hope & courage, & you will too dear hubby, & think you may be back to the little home soon, Mr. & Mrs. Kennedy thought it was so cosy here.

I wanted to mention in this in case you get it first two things you might worry about - Billy,- is real well again; and I got the money from England a month ago, or more; and otherwise all is in good shape. So just get along as fast as you can and get home, and we can again share the worries - & blessings.

I will stop now, and as the Eng. Mail closes at 1 p.m. I can keep it till morning and may add a bit more.

Monday,- I waited but the Eng. Mail will not be in till to-night so I'll mail this in the morning and write again in a day - A lot events have happened since you wrote the first Part. Mr. Smalley phoned Sun. eve - had just heard. They are coming out on Tues. p.m. Miss May Reid suddenly "appeared" Sun. eve. and again this p.m. & stayed till a little ago. Miss Poole & Mrs. Herb Halpenny came in also (twice they have come now, since we heard) so they are filling up the time. Olive (Cleudenman) has Shirley & Billy out at the Park. It is a holiday, but I worked - washed & tidied up. I did not sleep - so I got up early and forgot all about it being a holiday till was putting out my washing - washing - so just kept on & got it done. Now, good-night my dear Will, no work yet of course - and we seem to get a little more hopeful all the time - looking forward to, and planning for you coming home. One week has gone - the longest one I ever lived - but we are keeping up - and filling up the time. Love and kisses from us all to dear Daddy. Your loving wife

E. Mayse

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