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Date: April 28th 1944
Gordon Joshua Dennison

April 28th 1944
RCAF Overseas

Dear Folks,

Well here I am again and in the best of health I think, I am at present sitting in the YMCA it is a fairly long room with a counter at one end where they sell tea and sandwiched and other things that they have over here.

I am just sitting around waiting for time to pass until mid might for we fly to-night at one o clock that means we won't get down until the sun shines I guess. We get night flying rations for flying at night which usually consists of a ch. bar some gum and a handful of raisins. It all helps a little.

I haven't received any Canadian mail for over a week now I guess there must have been a hang up somewhere along the line.

Earl Wiltsie is on leave at the present and he said he was coming down to see me to-day or tomorrow, but he hasn't come today so I guess he might be along tomorrow. He went up to Scotland for the first part of his leave.

I now have a bike as I think I told you before but I don't think I told you about the summonds that I am going to get. I was riding it one night without lights and a bobby picked me up so he says I will be getting a summonds to court one of these days I hope he forgets about it. They say it will be about 10 schillings or a pound. I now have a light both for and aft.

I saw a good comedy last night it was Bell Bottom George with George Thornly. It was a good laugh but that was all. They have two shows a week here but they are usually old ones and I have usually seen them before.

The weather here has been grand of late and the evenings are so quite and still it sure is beautiful over here now (when the sun shines) every thing is so green.

How is every thing at home I hope all is well and thriving. How is Leila getting along now I hope she is much better.

Well each day brings me a day closer to my leave that I hope I am getting we have a few more hours of flying here to do then we are finished and off I go on some leave.

Well there isn't much news here and it is fairly hard to write a letter so I guess I will close for now. Say hello to all.

With Oceans of love
