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Date: May 16th 1918
Ivy Redman (Sister)
Eric Redman


My Dear Sister:

Well Ivy I guess it was time I was answering your most welcomed letter of Ap. 15. I have had it two or three days now so you can see that it came very quick. but still I have had alot of mail go astray

I supose before you get this letter you will of heard about George, it sure came a hard knock to me. I just pick up the paper called Canada and looking down, the C.L. and run across Georges name. Missing. Believed Killed. It sure seem hard that two of our Brothers should be gone and never to see them again. So I have no wonder that you didnt hear from him of course there is some chance of him being a proisoner of war but as I said about Lesilie I would rather he him dead then a wounded proisoner of war because that sure is a life not worth living It is better to be killed out right than be tortured to death

I have not got anymore inforimation about Leslie grave but there is no telling I may run across its some any time. I sure keep a look out when I am around & were he is suposed to be buried Ivy dont worry about boxes for I know how hard it must be for you to make ends meet I hope that you got through your examination OK. and then you should have a eaiser time of it The prices of things sure must be high now they are getting that way out here now. A person nine dollar a month out here why only buys cleaning kit and a few smokes.

Now I think this is all this time Ivy Hoping you are well as it leaves me, And still hoping to hear of better news of George Lots of Love.

Sincerely your loving Brother
E F Redman

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