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Date: June 1917

Friday June 1, 1917

Fine and clear.

Stuck around the dug out all day. Fritz was shelling the village very heavily, but mostly behind us.

Feel as if I had a bad attack of grippe

Saturday June 2, 1917

Clear & hot.


Fritz shelled our battery heavily during the night putting one gun pit on fire and destroyed about 50 cartridges, besides putting the gun temporarily out of action. Also hit our dugout 4 times, but thanks be! the Hun builds good strong dugouts.

Still feeling rotten so saw Capt Ewing at the Willerval dressing station who gave me some medicine and advised me to rest up. Promised to do so if I didn't feel better the next day.

Went up to the O.P. in the evening.

Sunday June 3, 1917

Fine with cool breeze

Still feeling tough so had the MO 6th Bdge C.F.A. come up to see me. He sent me back to
Aux Ritz dressing Station. From there sent by Ambulance to the Coys Rest Station at Fresnicourt. Arrived at 12 P.M. pretty nearly frozen to an icicle.

Received a cablegram and two letters from May dated May 9 & May 14

Monday June 4, 1917

Sun shining - Hot

Feeling pretty tough Temp. 101 AM & 103 (degrees) in PM.

Dick Collard in to see me to night. He has been here for ten days now.

Tuesday June 5, 1917


Still in bed but feeling better. Temp 100 (degrees) in AM 101 (degrees) P.M.

Notified today to be ready to proceed to C.C.S.

Wrote to May.

Wednesday June 6, 1917

Hot -

Left Fresnicourt at 230 P.M. in Ambulance for #22 C.C.S. at [?]. No room for us there so proceeded to 23 C.C.S. at Lozinges. Sent to Bed on arrival and instructed to stay there. The Hospital Huts are nicely situated in large grounds in the rear of a Chateau.

Heavy rain last night.

Thursday June 7, 1917


In bed all day. Temperature normal.

Wrote to Father & Mother.

Friday June 8, 1917

Fine & warm.

Left C.C.S. #23 by ambulance to Red Cross train. On board at 7 AM. Had a long tiresome trip lasting till 11 P.M. when we were taken off at Bolougne and driven to #7 Stationery Hospital.

Saturday June 9, 1917

Fine & cool.

In bed all day. - Feeling a little tough after the journey.
The hospital is in a large hotel which overlooks the harbor basin. We can see the Blighty leave boats coming and going which is not a very cheerful sight.

Temperature both above and below normal today

Sunday June 10, 1917

Hazy and cool.

Feeling fairly fit. Temperature below normal all day

Wrote to May

Monday June 11, 1917


Got dressed in the PM and walked down town. Ordered a pair of breeches at Husson & Cie
19 Rue Victor-Hugo (E. Dejaifor [?]) Price 80 fc. - paid 20 fr on deposit.

Temperature above normal after the walk.

Tuesday June 12, 1917

Got up in the afternoon but was not allowed outside

Temperature below normal

Was visited by a VAD. (Canadian Girl) who wanted to know if there was anything she could do for me

Wednesday June 13, 1917

Cool and foggy in AM - clearing in the P.M.

General Pershing U.S.A. arrived from England today - The town was decorated in his honor.

Had a walk in the afternoon and had my breeches fitted.

Thursday June 14, 1917


Had a short walk in both A.M. & P.M.

Wrote to May

Friday June 15, 1917

Very Hot.

Same as yesterday

Saturday June 16, 1917

Very Hot

Too hot to go outside so sat around the lounge and read

Sunday June 17, 1917

Still hotter

Found Pete Rathburn in the hospital so visited him all afternoon

Alex Davidson and Norm Lorimer caller in to see us. They just got back from leave.

British Torpedo Boat Destroyer came into harbor in the evening with her bow blown off. Hit a mine

Notified that I was to report to Base details tomorrow

Monday June 18, 1917

Hot with Thunder and rain in the late afternoon.

Brook Henderson visited me in the A.M. He had just arrived to go on leave.

Reported to Base Details and was billeted at the Hotel Cygne with instructions to report again tomorrow at 9:30 A.M.

Got 3 tea spoons to send to May.

Tuesday June 19, 1917


Reported as per instructions but no orders regarding me had come in

Visited the old walled-in part of the town and went thru an old cathedral.

Wednesday June 20, 1917

Heavy rains in the afternoon

Received order to report to CFA base at Harve. Left Boulonge - Frontilleres Station at 4 P.M. Knew a mistake had been made as our base had been moved to Etaples about 3 weeks previous, but had to follow my instructions. The train accomodation was rotten and the trip is a 20 hour one so didn't expect much comfort

Thursday June 21, 1917


Arrived at Harfleur at 11 AM, detrained, had breakfast at a restaurant in the village and reported to the Camp adjutant. Sent to Camp 16 49th Base. Reported there and arranged for accomodation

Friday June 22, 1917

Raining heavily.

Stuck around camp all day waiting for instructions to repeat the trip back to Etaples to our own base

Saturday June 23, 1917

Fine & cool.

Received orders to proceed to Etaples. Went to point 4 Harve, via motor lorry. Find I have 9 Canadian soldiers to take with me. Boarded the train at 6 P.M. and arrived at Rouen at 11 P.M. Detrained, the men going to a rest camp, the officers, putting up where they pleased. I went to the Grand Hotel de la Poste which appears to be the best in the place.

The R.T.O. tells us the train for farther up the line leaves tomorrow P.M. from another station

Sunday June 24, 1917


Reported to R.T.O. at 930 and found train was to leave at 245 P.M. Wandered around town all morning viewing the Cathedrals and old architectural sights. The spiral on one cathedral is a wonder.

Bought a couple of tea spoons for May.

Left Rouen at 4 P.M. Good accomdation for both officers and men.

Had lunch at the Officers Club

Monday June 25, 1917


Arrived at Etaples Camp at 3 A.M. Reported to the Adj of Can. Base Depart at 9 A.M. Was alloted a tent and had my kit brought up from the station.

Find Dobreiner here. Last I saw him was at #7 stationery hospital.

Tuesday June 26, 1917


Reported on Parade at 1 P.M. to take a party to the artillery training ground.

Find that as long as we (artillery officers) are here, we'll have to attend this training course every day.

Wrote to May & to F. & M.

Wednesday June 27, 1917

Rained last night.

Saw C.E. Richardson whom I used to know at S.P.S. He is with the Engineers and has just arrived here from England.
Took out a parade at 9 A.M. to the Training ground

Went down to Paris Place in the P.M. with Dobreiner. Paris Place is a famous seaside resort during peace times.

Had dinner at the Officers club.

Thursday June 28, 1917

Rained last night. Tent leaked horribly so most of my clothes got soaked.

Parade at 2 P.M. to Training camp.

Saw our old Sgt Major (22nd Btty) who is down here as an instructor. (Sgt Major Bowler)

Friday June 29, 1917

Hot & Sultry.

Parade at 9 A.M. to training camp. Found that we had to do Battery Tactics with a mounted section.

In afternoon went to Paris Place and had a swim. This is my first salt water swim. Weldon, Dalton, Steers, Richardson & myself in the party.

Had dinner at the Officers Club afterwards

Saturday June 30, 1917

Cold and windy.

Stayed around camp all day. Too cold to go down town. Played bridge most of the time.

Wrote to Father & Mother

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