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Date: August 14th 1916

Aug 14th 1916

Dear Mother

Just a few lines to let you know I am still in the land of the living. How are things in Battleford dead I'll bet. I have only had four letters from there since I left Winnipeg three from Hilda and one from you. I told you that Mother received the photos G.K. in my last letter. I hope Gord is quite well again if he is ask him to drop me a line because I want to know how his Regina girl is keeping. If you see Hilda you might do me a favor and ask here what is wrong will you? How are the girls keeping Well I hope and don't forget to tell Muriel I am still waiting for the rest of that letter I suppose all the Soldiers have left by this time for Sewell, if they have I can just picture what the old town looks like without them. Thank you so much for the papers. I see that G. T. Young has moved to the warm climate and Archie Uncott has taken over the store. He does not look like an undertaker. You will have to take Your Canadian daughter in hand and make her write more often. I have been waiting a long time for a letter now. Mother wrote and said that she got the photo from Mrs Read. Thank you so much for sending them. We are having dandy weather here how is it over there Ask Charlie if he wants any harvest hands this year. I wish we were going on harvest care the same as this time last year. It does not seem a year ago since Gordon & I was up there to-gether Ask him if he remembers Grant Coblee and the tramp through the Regina mud. Well I must close now more next time

Best Love to all

I Remain Your Loving Canadian Son



Give my best to dad

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