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Date: September 1st 1918
Gordon DeGear

Canadian Convalescent Hospital
Div 1, Hut 13,

Sept 1/18

Dear Mother:

I received your letter of Aug 22d four of five days ago just before I left the hospital but that was all the Canadian mail & had one from Gordon dated Aug 26 the same day. There is nearly all of any July mail to come yet but that should be coming along any day now. I came down here on the 30th and expect to be here for a couple of weeks at least that is if things go alright with me and then will go on my leave before I go back to my reserve depot, of which I do not care to go. As far as I can make out it is where all the category men go to and there is chances of having to go to an infantry works battalion or labour unit if I have to go back to France. I would sooner go back to my old outfit than to have to go to any of those as the work is very hard and by no means a bomb-proof outfit either and would far sooner take my chance with the column than to do fix up roads and build trenches up the line. I am feeling fairly good now but still have those sharp pains in my right side in the stomach and beneath the ribs. They have my down as appendicitis now but the doctor here does not seem to think it is, nor neither do I but if it is there is something else wrong besides, but I am going to try to get a thorough examination to see what is really wrong. There are an awful lot of Canadians in hospitals over here now so I expect they will have to start pretty soon to send them back to France wholesale so I do not think it will be very long before I will be hitting the high spots for there again, unless another attack gets me again and do not think it will take very much to bring it back either as it seems to all depend on the kind of food that I eat. Of course so far the food has been pretty good but when I have to get back to eating very much meat and food in that line am afraid my stomach will not stand it for long, but will wait and see how it does turn out. I would like to know where Uncle Dick is as if I knew where he was would try to look him up but it will be pretty hard to find out where he is as I would like to see him and see if he could help me any but I guess he would not be able to do very much anyway. I have not heard from Andrew for a long time now and wonder how he is making out as our lads have been doing quite a lot of work out there lately and I can thank my lucky stars that I have missed it all, but am afraid there will be quite a while yet before it is all over and there might be a possible chance of it finishing up this year but as the time is getting short for the good weather do not see how it will finish without putting in another winter at least. I suppose you would have got word long ago that I was in England sick but do not know if my name will be in the lists or not. It is nearly two and a half months since I first went to hospital and was surprised that I happened to make a blighty out of it but as they needed room in France is was easier getting across than it would have been if things were going slowly. I do not know where I will go on leave as I do not like to impose on the Mays as they have had so much sickness but if I do go will have to keep clear of Liverpool and not let them know I have had my leave but that seems to be a nasty thing to do. So the only way to do it is to visit them a couple of days a least as we only get ten days leave from this side and can only draw 10 pounds so will have to count my pennies also. Aunty gave me Mrs. Bissetts and another ladies address in Liverpool and I think I will look them up also. I thought of your birthday last month but could not think of the date, but will wish you many happy returns and that by your next birthday we will all be home. I have been thinking seriously as to what I am going to do when I get back as I will have to get down to business and make money somehow and get a little put away for a rainy day but there is one thing I do not want to work in the Herald and if I still stay with the business will go somewhere else to work and if I do not go back to printing have no idea what I will tackle. You see it depends on my stomach entirely and if it does not improve no printing office for me as it will be unhealthy unless it gets better altogether. It makes me sore to think the way Muriel has been getting this crazy notions in her head and Gordon says he does not want her to go down east to work. The least she can do is to stay at her teaching and help you out a little at least but she has those sill notions like lots of other girls. There is one thing that they have the Huns going better than they have ever had and if only the weather would hang out long enough I think they could do them in this year but beware if it goes on till next spring and they will get the trimming of their lives as the Americans will be into it hot and heavy by then. I do not seem to run across very many of the boys that I know since I came over here but there is two of the boys that used to be in the D.A.G. here now and one that was hit last fall. I am anxiously waiting for my delayed mail as I am sure there must be quite a lot of it somewhere and do not bother about sending any papers as long as I am in England as the Herald keeps coming regular and will be no need of sending any parcels either as I have not got your last one yet and do not know if it will ever get this far as so much travelling around often gets them smashed up pretty bad and would sooner somebody would get it in France than to have it spoiled following me up. Will keep you well posted as to how I am getting alone and you will know that no news is good news. Hoping to hear from you soon and that everyone is well. Love to all

Your loving son


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