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Date: August 2nd 1918
John Newton

Aug 2/18

Maizie dearest,-
I am somewhat late in getting this midweek letter written as I warned you might happen in my Sundays epistle. However, Maizie, dear, this is the first opportunity I've had, - the experiences of the service, you understand.

I caught up on my lost sleep by putting in all yesterday and last night in bed, so that I'm feeling quite able to put in another 72 hours sleepless if necessary. I don't wish to have to do so, but should it be necessary I'll be able to go through with it.

I still have to report that nothing serious has occurred to jar the even tenor of my way. The weather has been the most disturbing element to the comfort of our existence. It has been most irregular - showers and sunshine intermittently most days - but today has been one constant downpour. However, I've a bed to sleep in with clean sheets, so I'm not kicking at all.

I really haven't a thing to write you about, dear, this time. I pretty well exhausted myself in my last letter but possibly in my next epistle I'll have seen something that I would be able to write about. I could fill a book about my experiences during the intervals between my letters to you if it were permitted to write about them, but as it would be infringing the censor regulations I can't try, and outside of that there is very little else to write about. If you were only out here for a while you'd quite appreciate what I'm telling you, but as you are not (Thank God!) I suppose you feel that I'm trying to make excuses for myself.

I had a letter from the [?] today. He says he has had a letter from Essie stating that you've received the cable I sent you before leaving England. I'm glad that it arrived without delay for you will then be able to base your calculations on that.

I haven't yet received the parcel you sent addressed to me at Witley, and I doubt if it will ever reach me now. I just received a letter from Mrs. Rea dated July 5th which has been following me from one address to another since that time. The mail authorities are fairly careful about letters but parcels don't always share the same fate. However anything that you sent me direct to the battery will reach me alright.

Maizie, dear, I really can't write anymore. I am feeling fit and fine, and I certainly do love you more and more as our length of parting increases. I've disproved to my [?] satisfaction that adage "out of sight, out of mind". You're the best little girl in the world. You darling.
Your loving husband

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