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Date: May 21st 1918

May 21st 1918

Dear Sister:

Pleased to receive you letter of Apr 21st a couple of days ago along with one from Isabel, and also Uncle Will giving all the Guelph Musical news etc. So far have not received either of the boxes you have sent. Notice that there are now two on the way to me. There is a chance of one coming today as we generally get parcels after we receive letters from Canada.

Sorry you were not feeling well especially at a time when you had so many good things to eat. We hope to be able to get some fresh fruit although it is pretty hard to get it in the line as it is so much in demand before it gets this far. However our Canteen lorry make a trip a couple of times a week for supplies and they will likely be able to get some things if they are for sale at reasonable prices. We are watching our local fruit trees blossom but we cannot count very much on getting the fruit. Have not been able to get any more rhubarb as others are after it too.

We have a table and a seat above ground just at the entrance to our dugout and it is a fine place in the mornings to read or write and eat our meals although it gets too hot in the afternoon when the sun gets around of course. Fritz sometimes makes it too hot in the mornings. These clear days we cannot have fires or show smoke so our dugouts are damp and chilly and not very nice to stay in although they always make welcome shelters.

Notice that part of the last box you have sent is from Aunt Nellie and when it arrives I will acknowledge it to her. Will also advise Elizabeth what is being done about the box she wishes sent to me. I am certainly being well looked after and practically every mail gives advice of something more coming. Then again Christmas will soon be here again and maybe more if people do not get tired sending things by that time. The maple syrup and sugar will be a treat. One of the boys in the dugout got a few cakes from Western Ontario a week ago and it was fine.

So 45 will be occupied while you are away. Have sent a few letters lately that probably would get there after you left but no doubt you have made arrangements .

Pleased to get all the news of the Guelph people and how they are. Will told me about Miss McLaren. Expect Miss White will be back again soon. So Miss Bruce is going to train for a nurse. Quite a number of them are thinking about it in Guelph these days apparently. Notice Musgrave has joined the Flying Corps and I wish him success. If I thought I had the nerve would do the same myself, but the tests are very severe, especially in England as I do not know about Canada. Notice he was in the say goodbye, but since you underlined the name, I know now whom it was to particularly.

We are working on a baseball diamond these days in our spare time. It is behind some trees so Fritz can not see us. Expect to have some good games. Got some nice Begonias yesterday for a bouquet. They are just buds coming out. Flowers of many kinds are quite plentiful.

Well I think this is about all the news today. We are having the finest of weather. Hope you are all quite well and enjoying the northern climate.

Love to all your bro

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