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Date: May 17th 1918

May 17th 1918

Dear Mother:

Just a note this morning to let you know how things are. I am going on duty for 24 hours shortly so would not have a chance to write until I came back. Received a Canadian mail since I last wrote but although I received a couple of letters from Alberta did not receive any from Ontario or elsewhere. Probably you were busy getting ready for the move north. Though probably the box would arrive but so far it has not come. Probably it will be along in the next bunch.

We were paid again yesterday. Also were advised what our balance was up to the end of March. I have about $37.00 which I can draw on in case of going on leave or special occassion. A couple of pay days I did not draw anything and each month it increases by about $5.00 as we only draw 45 Francs a month in France and find it quite sufficient for all I have to buy or all we can get. Of course some spend it all on Beer and it doesn't last long then.

We have been having some elegant days lately and it is a treat to be outside as everything is so nice now. The trees are all out and flowers are blooming everywhere. Think I told you we bought a dozen eggs and finished them this morning. They were a treat and a change anyway. Cost 8 cents each a little too much to have them very often. We are having our surplus kit stored as I am getting rid of my rubber boots, oilskin coat and sweater in that way as well as a few other things I do not need just now.

Will address all mail in future to Kearney and my letter of a few days ago was the first. Hope you receive them all O.K.

Are you closing up the house altogether during the summer? Suppose it is just as well. Will be looking for some of those fish stories soon now. Expect you will be trying to land some more of those large ones from the dock.

Will have to get ready for work now so will close for the present.

With love to all.

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