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Date: November 1st 1918
William McLellan

East Sandling

Dear Folks:

Just a note to enclose a couple of post cards of our wing on parade. They aren't bad and will give you an idea of the camp. Our Squadron - No 2 - is sceond from the left and our Flight is in front. I am the 5th in the rear rank but its pretty hard to pick me out. Spriggie is just on my right. Send one of them down to Marg will you? I should have written ages ago but one letter at a time seems to be my limit.

This mornings mail brought a letter from Flora & one from Mater. It's great to get mail direct now after so long without any at all. I'm afraid mother has my "pals" mixed up a little. The one from Wpg is Charlie Swinford - Scout Section 1st CMR. "Chief" is W.R. Spencer - "E" Coy 1st CMR Bramshott. Burnie is R.A. Burnett same add.

Started this note in a lecture this P.M. and will finish it up tonight. Overlook the pen & pencil combination, will you! Was just talking to Joe Bainbridge - a theolog from the U of A. His brother Sid was in the hospital there for awhile,. He told me all about Barney Loftson. Its certainly hard luck to lose a fellow like Barney. You spoke of having a letter from Chuck. Will you send me his add! I can't find him anywhere & he dosen't know where I am.

Hope I get the camera soon - I'll sure keep you supplied with scenery as soon as I get it. I was just thinking of sending for it.

About souveniers - I'm afraid I can't send any home yet. They consist mostly of things I'm not supposed to have and I don't think I can mail them without getting into trouble. I had a swell little rosary that I took off a Fritz at Haugard in the Amiens scrap but I gave it away to a Canadian woman in the Beaver Hut in London. She was some Col. wife from Toronto and went wild over this rosary. She offered me all kinds of money for it and I ended up by giving it to her. She had just come over from Canada a week or so before so hadn't seen anything like it. Then I had all kinds of cigarette cases and money etc. but I gave most of that away at Bramshott. Peener has a Prussian Guard belt I got on the 8th of Aug - and Swinny has the Lugar Automatic Revolver that I got off the Fritz Officer. I've still got a bunch of junk left and I'll try & keep it until I get home.

Don't worry about the money proposition, people. I can manage O.K. now since I've got ahead of the game and I won't bother with leave ‘till Xmas time. I know you have enough to look after at home as it is - especially if things are high as over here.

They have closed all the theatres etc. here now on account of the :Flu". It has got to be quite a serious affair. Our camp has been OK so far tho: Spriggie's people in London are all down with it now. He has been worrying quite a bit lately.

This is all tonight.
Love to Everybody Bill

PS Will scribble a note to Marg on one of the post cards. Bill