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Date: August 15th 1918

August 15th 1918

My Dear Mother:

Since last writing you on the 11th I have received some more mail including a letter from Evelyn and Maude Cooke, Margaret S. and Uncle Will who has also sent me a box but it has not yet arrived. Also received another letter from Elizabeth yesterday enclosing some snaps and I am returning them along with the ones you have sent me, or I should say I am sending them all to you with this letter and you should also receive some more about the same time. Let me know when you get them.

Have not been doing much the last few days except the usual work of being on duty every other day. The days off I spend in sleeping and getting ready for duty the next morning. Went to the baths near here a couple of nights ago and got a good bath. The clothes they had out are nothing extra so I try and keep my own clean. Got a few eats in our canteen last night and they are good for a change. We each got a bonus of ten francs out of the canteen profits and it goes a little way to get a few things to eat. Also expect to be paid a gain tomorrow.

Leave is going again and a few men are getting away and it will mean so much nearer my turn but I do not expect to get away much before the end of the year by present appearances.

Do not know yet what they will do with the papers I put in. They were returned once but I tried again and so far have not heard. It doesn't look at all promising at the present time. One of our boys left this week for a cadet course. He has been waiting about nine months and several others are still on the list. It is easy enough to get into the Flying Corps if you can pass, but I guess I am too heavy anyway. I have written a letter to Elizabeth today also. She is apparently having quite a time and seeing some of the country.

Did I say 20 cents when I mentioned sweetened milk? If so I meant it cost a little over 20d or 40 cents here and I do not think it is nearly that much in Canada.

So you have been having very hot weather. It will not be very nice but I suppose the cities will be much worse. It is also hot and dry here just now and some guns when they fire kick up quite a dust and as it is chalky ground, it makes quite a cloud. We can easily spot the enemy batteries by the dust so as soon as they fire they soon have an avalanche of shells of all sizes. Therefore he scarcely fires at all during the day.

Sorry to hear about the dog being shot as it is not very nice and not a nice kind of neighbour to have. So Stanley Hewitson was in quarantine. That was one thing I missed. I am pleased to say as it is not nice to be under guard for two months and you cannot leave a certain area.

So Maude is going to a V.A.D. Hospital for a month. She will have quite an experience, and it will be good training.

By this time you will have the full part of the Canadians in the last advance and as already advised I have not had a part in it along with others. Maybe we should be thankful although the most of them do not like to miss anything.

You might let me know the next time you write, when you expect to leave the camp so I can change the address to Guelph in time.

I think this is about all the news I have at the present time so I may as well conclude until the next.

With love to all

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