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Date: April 16th 1945
Joseph Moore

R-208467. L.A.C. MOORE. J.L.
#436 SQDN., R.C.A.F.
April 16/45

Dear Aunties,

I received your letter of Feb. 20th a few days ago. When you answer this, I wonder if you would mind addressing this letter just as it is at the top there, because I think it might come faster. Your letters always come crossed out & readdressed by Canada, England, Bombay, and goodness knows who else. That box you mention really sounds good and I'll really look forward to receiving it. Thanks a lot. One doesn't need candy so much in this climate, though, if you don't mind me saying so. Lemon powder really improves the water. We have to carry our water bottles always and it gets awfully flat. What's worse is that it's heavily chlorinated too. For our own good, of course, but disagreeable. You say the war can't last forever. I wonder? From letters I have had I gather that Everyone is okay at home and March was the hottest its been in years. I guess Alan is back in Europe and Gwen is safe in Canada again. Yes I visited all those little towns in the vicinity of West Kirby & Liverpool. Some were only half an hour's walk from the camp. I once took the ferry from L'pool pierhead to New Brighton & back, just for the ride. N.B. is very much like your "Beach" now. I hitched a ride on a truck thru the Mersey tunnel too one time. Its like the Oakland-Alemeda tunnel in a way. Give Michael my belated birthday greetings. Yes, I read about the S.F. conference. I'll turn in now, hoping you & all the folks are well.

Your loving nephew,

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