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Date: December 14th 1917
Roderick Anderson Todd

Ward 3-
No 2 Military Hospital
Dec. 14-17.

Dear Mother-

Everything going fine here, can't be beat. Temperature 98.4, appetite very hearty, wound clean and healing nicely- traveling around as good as any of them- feeling fine. So we should bibble.

I sure do enjoy my hikes around town, they are great. It is a very picturesque place, built on low hills and the surrounding countryside looks very good to me. I will explore the town thoroughly first and then start in on the country around. Exter is a historic place, I note one place in town where they have a tablet to commemorate the time when William, the conqueror, came into the town looking for trouble. I am going to buy a guide book and just revel in antiquity. I expect to finish the narrative of my experiences in Nice next Christmas (1918) and will then start on my experiences in Exter, followed by a true account of my adventures while on sick leave. I have news enough to keep me writing for 3 years yet. Say, I have had a lot of education in the last year or so- education which I never would have gotten in peace times. It is an ill wind that blows nobody some good. The only trouble is I'll be wanting to visit the Riveria again, and that will break me flat. I sure want to take you over that country, too. It is a fairyland- you can't describe it- seeing is believing. Lets dream we can visit it together, "après la guerre". It won't do any harm.

The hospital is the same as usual, almost a home. I will be very sorry to leave the people here, when the time comes. That won't be for some time tho, mother.

Yesterday I received your letter of October the 27th, and say, but it was good to get it. Here goes to answer it.
I haven't seen Noble for a long time but when I invite him I will give him your regards.

The Roman meal cookies were great. I had to use wonderful self control to refrain from eating them all. Old Lee enjoyed tem as much as I did, also Blake.

Say, that wasn't a knitting bag I sent you from Nice. That is the very latest Paris style in shopping bags, very dainty. I see were I will have to bring you rural folk up to the time in styles. However, you can use it for a nosebag for old Lolard if you want to.

As to the bank account, don't attempt to increase it. You got it to spend- so if you don't want to displease your darling son, why spend it. I want to hear of another visit to Vancouver, Seattle, Tacoma etc. in the near future, also about an aviary. Don't get me angry, it will raise my temperature and the nurse will be me rhubarb and soda or some such horrible mixture.

The Whitelaws sure have made great strides in the world, I am glad to hear. That auto trip to see the naval reserves must have been great dope.
So Cameron wants to join the aviation branch, He ought to be ideally suited for that work, not much weight, nor wind resistance.

I bet you had a great talk about Glencoe. I am sorry to hear of Mr. Schnurs death- he was a fine old man and a great help to the community.

Nancy certainly is a great girl- her presents of farming produce etc. are very nice. I hope that she and Jeff are enjoying the best of health and success.

So Fenton and Paddy are once more in town. I am sorry they had such a poor season, and hope to get more news from them soon. I am glad Paddy is looking so well- be sure to ask him to come up and see you, he enjoys those visits very much. I know, and he is a welcome addition to any company. I wrote both he and Fenton about a week ago.

The fudge has not arrived yet, but is probably on the way from France. Needles to say, it will be very welcome I can just taste it now- yum-m-m!

So another one of my chances has gone. The red haired one in Terrys has been grabbed. I am afraid to give my best wishes.

I am very sorry to hear of Miss Lund's death. It will be a great blow to her mother, who thought the world of the her. Poor girl.

Ian's classification sounds good to me. I am glad to hear he is not to be called upon. His success in business also sounds tres bon, tell him to keep it up with, too.

My Christmas parcels have already started to arrive. Aunt Bella sent me a fine writing book, with paper, envelopes, and stamps. yesterday. You are receiving the first letter from the new outfit now. It is a beauty.

Mr. And Mrs. Russell sent me a splendid Christmas parcel which arrived yesterday also. It was a regular Christmas tree, containing peppermint candy, chocolate, a fruit cake, a pack of cards, each of which had a view of some part of Canada on it, an account book, numerous little Christmas knick knacks, such as pictures of Santa Claus, colored ribbons etc. I spent an hour opening it- tickled as a young kid. I will write them tomorrow thanking them for their kindness/

I got letters from Lee and Paul King two days ago. They are both O.K. Lee has entirely recovered from his wound and is now in barracks at Workingham in Berks. I won't give you his address as he will probably change it often, and very likely will keep you better informed than I can. He may possibly run up and see me some day, which would sure be a great idea.

No new news from Dundee, Greenock, Glasgow, or Southampton I received a nice letter from Aggy Todd at Liverpool yesterday. All was well there. She had left shell-making and had gotten a nice "job" in an office, with shorter hours. Shellmaking proved too hard for her.

Well, mother, I think that I have exhausted all my stock of news. Regards to Aunt Nancy, Vi Mr. & Mrs. Russell and any other friends of ours you may meet. Congratulations to Isobel on her success at housekeeping. It was darned good of her to put off her Chicago trip until things quiet down. Well, stay happy and don't worry about me. I am having a darned god time- no worries- enough voluntary work to keep me content- nice company- good food, etc. I am going to continue my studies of French as soon as I get my books. It will help me pass the time away. Goodnight.

Your loving son

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