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Date: December 7th 1941

No. 91.

Capt. G.S. Andrews. R.C.E.

Survey Directorate

H.Q. Cdn Corps.

Cdn Army Overseas.

England, 7 Dec 41.

Dear Jean:

Your letter of 10 Nov arrived day before yesterday - making good time. Also a box of cigs from the F.B. I as glad to have the enclosed letter from Kate Haggman talking about Lockley. It is a great relief to know that he is on the road to recovery - although it must have been a terrible experience - It will be good if he can be home for Xmas and convalescence. I should write him - but the things I'd like to talk about to him can't very well be put in a letter. It must be great satisfaction to him to know that he has really been on active operations - and contributing directly to our cause.

It is interesting to hear about the new homes and families of our Forest Branch friends - it beings to look as though we are all gradually getting into the "family class" - I feel perfectly happy with our little home - that you have created - and if it small and simple - it has two of the most desirable virtues - There think of all the wisdom we can put into our 10 Mile Point homes - and the full use can have planning it and getting it established -

This has been another busy week - and a quick one. A nice little cake and a pair of sox arrived from Betty Egglestone and a short note - she seems to be happy and independent. I still cant recall Leila's new name. I would like to send her some money sometime, but I don't like to address it in her old name. She is very brave and unselfish to have had another baby - She is very like her own dear Mother.

The Survey Company gave a regimental dance the other night - and Major Meuser and I were honorary guests. - It was a lovely party - and they had a very select group of lady guests - I think they were hand picked by a committee of the men! The coy printed their own tickets and programs - which were very artistic - I, of course, forgot my programme but enclose a ticket. If I can get a programme will send it - rather a nice [?]

Have had a few nice walks this week - and feel the better for it. To-day was a lonely day for this country at this time of the year. Got a walk in before brunch and then was invited out to tea by my friend Lieut. Wightman - it was a 17 mile drive- in his little Austin 7 - and through a very pretty corner of Susex I had not seen before. The town where his relatives live was the birthplace of Gen. Wolfe - who won the battle against Montcalm on the Plains of Abraham - and won Canada for the British. 1763 wasn't it? Anyway his statue is in the little village and it seemed like a link with home. Wightmans coming there [?] very nice - and want us to go up again and have an evening of bridge - however that is hard to arrange on account of the shortage of petrol I have only played about 3 games of bridge since coming over.

Finished Churchill's "Blood Sweat and Tears" and have now started on "Memory Hold the Door" by John Buchan. This will be interesting, having worked with his son - John - Lord Tweedsmuir.
Tomorrow Lyle Trorey gives his paper at the R.G.S. - and several of us are going up to hear it - and give support. Col. Carrie is calling for me to drive up. Dick Farrow popped in for lunch one day last week - he has been very busy - he is holding down a captain's job - but they are pretty darn slow in giving him his promotion. Same applies to my boss, Major Meuser - who should be a Lieut. Col. The Cdn Army seems just a little too small to be big about things like that! My case the exception!

Heaps of love -


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