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Date: February 17th 1945
Margaret & Marie Harber – (sisters)
Lloyd Harber

Rfn. Harber T.L.
1st. Batt. Q.O.R. of C.
A. Coy. C.A.O.
Feb. 17/45

My Two Dear Little Sisters Marg and Marie,–

Hello girls here I am again trying to manouvour a pen in order that you might know just how your dear little brother is existing in this Holland country of mud and water.

Since I last wrote you I have been rather busy with this here war of ours again. Were in on an attack the day after I wrote you. Truthfully speaking it was the easiest I have ever been on since I have been in action. We had little oposition and the Jerries didn't resist us as much as they had before. The prisoners we did take came out with their hands up and at the same time squealing (comrade.) You can probably tell by the papers just about where I am situated right now. When we took over the town here it was as dry as a bone. Now just a few days later after the waters have come through the dykes all that is left to be seen of the town are the roofs of the houses and the church steeples. Right now we are living in the upper part of one of the biggest houses in the town. When the civies evacuated their homes they left behind a few head of live stock and some preserves that we are at the time making good use of. Beef steaks and pork chops and preserved cherries etc are nothing to turn your nose up add in the front lines here. As usual we are making the best use of every thing in the house including the beds and beding. The only thing that makes this living of ours now a little uncomfortable are the few shells that he throws at us every now again.

Remember I told you I wrote and thanked Marg. Wilson for the gum she sent me at Christmas. Well I received a letter and Valentine greetings from her a few days ago.

Oh yes remember the little English broad I was telling you about a while back. Well I have received a couple of letters from her recently. She still would like to come to Canada with me but now it is all off. I was thinking seriously of it at one time though.

You will find enclosed some German money. If you notice the dates on the money they are all before 1922. Anything after that date is good to be exchanged but the money made before that date is now useless, so some German prisoners were telling me, but it is a good souvenir at least. I don't exactly know how much a mark is worth but about three months ago it was worth some thing like a shilling and four pence.

May I remind you again my two dearest little sisters Marg. and Marie that the champagne party we are to have on my arrival in Canada is getting closer and closer these days so I hope you will be well prepared for it.

Well girls enough of this stuff for now I'll say good-night and “so long” for now and I'll keep you posted.

Your loving brother

P.S. You will have to be satisfied with this paper because it is the best that looting could find in this one horse town, and may I tell you that through the trouble of getting it I went over hip rubber boots in water. But I said to myself well what is wet feet compared to a letter to my two little sisters.
“So long”

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