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Date: May 17th 1945
Wanda Gill - (wife)
Leslie Gill

letter #99

HMCS Iroquois
c/o GPO London
May 17/45


The beautiful weather we were enjoying seems to have left us, and we’re back on the old mist and rain. Cant call it exactly cold, but its not very nice. Yesterday was really hot, and the Yeoman and I went for a long walk. We were besieged by the natives as usual, mostly nippers, who have a mania for autographs of all things. I’ve betrayed our name and address to literally hundreds of these people! I hope they dont all call on you some day. They also like to practise their English on us. All high school kids learn English and German in their ordinary curriculum. Its peculiar English, of course, but quite understandable, and some few who have been abroad speak it perfectly. I met and conversed with several people who have been to Canada and the States.

I dont expect will be here much longer thank goodness! I want to get back to Scapa and get our mail, but I think the Admiralty has something else worked up for us. Why cant we go home please? Phooey on foreigners. They are nice, and all that sort of thing, but its hard to beat Victoria BC!

Still lots of Jerries around town, army navy and Lufftwaffe. It seems funny to walk around town rubbing shoulders with the C-------. I hate them! Another nuisance is saluting. In most European armies and navies, the privates salute everybody from corporals up. They probably think we are officers, but even as NCOs we’re entitled to a salute from their point of view. I never thought I’d see the day when I’d be returning a German’s salute! By the way, its not the Nazi salute, they know better than to try that. Anyhow, between signing autographs and saluting and staring at the blondes I mean buildings etc! Im just about worn out. The city is about the size of Vancouver, larger if anything; but much cleaner and more modern. No slums at all, far as I can make out. The people appear a little pinched and lean looking, but they say there was no actual starvation here. People died of diseases brought on by undernourishment, and infant mortality was high, but no one died specifically by starvation.

Marvellous buildings! Some are many years old, but have a modern look about them, if you know what I mean. Streets are mostly wide and lined with trees, and there are several parks. The one Tug and I were in yesterday had tons of statues in it. Most of the statues are by a local sculptor and are horrible. Nude and crude. Very poor workmanship except the bits most sculptors leave off or fit a fig leaf over. This artist seems to have concentrated on these details and spent most of his efforts on them, to the detriment of the rest of the anatomy. They’re all supposed to be deeply symbolic and mean something important, but I guess I’m stupid. There’s hundreds of these statues and I think they are blots on an otherwise beautiful park.

Naturally, I experimented with the local beverages. There’s something that they laughingly call beer. Its palatable enough, and lovely and clear, but as weak as water. The national drink is some kind of tanglefoot called “aquavit” I had a bit of that too, and think very highly of it. Its very scarce and dear, and you neednt worry about me hitting it too hard.

I wonder when we can expect our mail? Its sitting there waiting for us back in Scapa, and apparently we cant have it forwarded to us here in Oslo. Ive decided theres lots of pictures in this batch and can hardly wait till I get my fists on it. It’s a great disadvantage to be so deeply in love with a person and so far away from them. I do love you, you know!

Trying to get a decent souvenir of the place but cant find anything. One of the national costumes would be cute but they are priceless. All clothing is strictly rationed and you cant buy a thing. People with ration cards cant use them as there are no goods available. Black Market is dying out for the same reason. I’ll make another effort today, even if I have to use force!

This seems to be all that will go on this one. I’ve not been very pleased with my letters lately. I seem to have lost the knack or something. Spirit is willing but the brain is weak.

Bye for now sweetheart

Original Scans

Original Scans