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Date: February 4th 1945
Wanda Gill - (wife)
Leslie Gill

letter #73

HMCS Iroquois
c/o GPO London
Feb 4/45

My Darling

I seem to have come to the end of that form very quickly. Wasnt writing too big either. Too fast I guess! I’ve got about twenty minutes before the lights go out, so if I miss tomorrow’s mail its not my fault. Where did I leave off? Oh yes, I was congratulating you on the superb job of baby raising you are doing! Of course, I can only pass judgement on the little snip of hair you sent, but thats enough for the present. Its all the evidence I need to form a complete and expert (?) opinion. I think she’s wonderful! Odd isnt it, that we agree on so many subjects? Maybe we should fall in love or something. All over again, I mean. Its such fun being in love with you! More satisfactory at close range, but I’ll always love you darling, even from afar!

Im sorry Zora didn’t enjoy her stay in Victoria, but you are probably right. Things have changed a great deal since 1940. The change must have done her good though. What would you think of me if I stopped off for two or three days on my way home? I would love to see her of course, and it may be the last chance. She’s not likely to come to Victoria again very soon, and we certainly aren’t going on any long trips for a long while to come. I’d be torn between impatience to get to Victoria and a sort of sense of duty. Do you understand? Since Alan is gone I feel sort of panicky at the thought of going right by Timmins and not going up there. When I was home I was so happy with you, Im afraid I neglected him. He mentioned it that day we were up there. I’ve berated myself since for wasting time on unimportant people and not seeing more of him. Sometimes I even think it might have made all the difference.

Mustnt be morbid! And there is no more likelihood of me being home soon than there ever was. It still depends on Germany getting licked soon. Good old Russians! Cheer up darling! (Me too!) It may not be much longer. Another thing, I’ve been almost a year aboard here. There must be thousands of COAs in Canada, just longing to take this job, and racking their brains to find some way to bump me out of here. Mr Mayne might even force me to accept a lodge & comp job in Victoria! Dont count on it, but it costs nothing to hope.

Completely forgot to thank you for the shirt & tie! Thanks darling, I’ll wear it to Division tomorrow if we have Divisions (I hope it rains!) The wrapping and box looked as though it had been gnawed by rats, but the shirt was untouched, so were the cards. Is that a good likeness of our daughter, the one she wrote herself? I love that wicked wink! Thanks also for sending the fags. I dont expect to get them, ever, but I know you tried. How many times have you sent fags? Zora sent some too and Ive only received four lots altogether. Dont send any more please. Ill tell Zora too. Its just a racket apparently, and we’ve been suckers long enough. They pass through too many hands before reaching the ship, some people get theirs OK, but you and I just arent lucky.

There’s a new system now, whereby we can send for them ourselves. A notice about it appeared on our board today. I’ll give them a donation and see what happens. Same price, 4/6 for 300, and I’ll keep my postal receipt as evidence! If I dont receive them in a reasonable time, Ill raise particular hell about it.

I hate to say it, but we seem to have been seen off for your Christmas present too. The matter was in George’s capable hands, and since he’s left us, I don’t quite know what to do. I had a letter from him and he didn’t even mention it! Now here’s what happened. I ordered and paid George for it last October. He sent off the order to a Victoria firm with instructions for delivery. When it didnt arrive, we started our protests and several letters, even telegrams were sent. No soap! Then we had this four week gap in our mail (for no reason at all!) and haven’t got it all even yet. I dont know how it stands until I can reach George again, so please be patient a little while longer. Better wire me when it does arrive, because Im going to keep on howling till we get satisfaction. I dont want to waste any howls, so it would be better for me to know as soon as you do receive it. Cant criticize George too much, but I do feel he’s a bit slack, to say the least. If it was sent to me and lost in the mail, it must have been insured, so at least we’ll get our quids back.

Im glad the picture of the beetle arrived, anyway! It would! And not too far from the planned date. Why cant things always work out like that? The rest will have to go in a letter, but these will do in the meantime. How long are these Air Letters taking lately? If they’re any faster I can use more of them if you say so. Goodbye for now and take care of you!

All my love

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