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Date: September 20th 1943
Leslie Gill
Wanda Gill - (wife)

On Board SS “Princess Charlotte”
Sept. 20, 1943

My Husband:

Looks pretty good on paper, doesn’t it? I could have put my “Darling Husband” or “Dearest Husband” or all sorts of things, but I kind of like the plain fact, and as you know anyway that you’re the dearest darling est husband that could ever possibly have happened, I guess it doesn’t matter.

As you see, the pen has conked out completely, so I hope I’m forgiven for using pencil.

Wonder how you’re getting on? I do hope things aren’t too tough – I feel kind of guilty at letting you travel that way. After all, why should I get all the soft breaks and you get all the grief? Tain’t sense. We won’t allow it next time.

Things weren’t too bad last night. I was kind of glad Mum was right there. She nearly sent me crazy with her babbling but at least it was a distraction. She had located quite a decent room at the Austin Hotel, quite a way up Granville St. We went there direct from the station, but about 10 o’clock or so I perked up sufficiently to phone Kay, and she insisted that we go up to her Mother’s. Wasn’t raining so very hard then, so we walked over, and I think it was a good idea. Robert and Francis Comerford were there and they drove us home. Woke up about 5 o’clock this morning to find Mum already awake, and she fed me cantaloupe. Don’t know that I particularly wanted it, but it was O.K. We got up quite early and went out and had breakfast and wandered around the stores until boat time. Decided not to take the Gulf Islands trip because it’s such a dull day – can hardly see anything. Mum is out on deck now and I guess I’ll go and join her in a minute. It’s rather stuffy in here. Think I’d better wait until next time to tell you about loving you – I’m not quite safe yet.

Bye for now

P.S. – W stands for “wife” as well as Wanda”.

Loretto Hall,
Sept. 21st


Have just finished moving – from our love nest to Aileen Merritt’s room upstairs. Aileen is away for a week, and then I’m to move into No.3, just across from where we were.

The boat actually docked on time last night – 3.45 (guess I should call it yesterday afternoon) so Mum and I went up town for an early supper and then to a show – “Dixie”. It was quite good – very pretty and nice music, although, as usual in such things, a poor plot. Mum was going up to sleep at Dorothy’s last night, so I went with her – she has a big double bed there and I didn’t relish the idea of sleeping in No.5 here alone. Today, however, I have come back like a good girl and resigned myself to being a grass widow. I still don’t think it’s a good idea, though – you’ve no idea how completely I’m “Mrs. Gill” now instead of “Miss Spencer”. I’m very anxious to get away to Timmins -it will bring me so much nearer to you – here I seem to be so terribly far away. You know you seem to have made quite an impression.

 I’m unlaxing in a nice deck chair on the lawn right now – the weather has decided to be nice again – really quite sunny and beautiful, in spite of a tinge of fall in the wind.

Found your collar pin when I was sweeping up today – it was on the floor of the cupboard. How do you suppose it got there? I’ll mail it when I send the other things.

The pen is better when it’s filled properly, isn’t it? Think it will do now?

You know, darlin’, it’s nice writing letters to you when you know what I’m talking about – I mean when you’ve been with me so recently. You just mustn’t stay away so long that you lose contact again.

Wonder how many good looking gals there are on the train? Some, I hope, but not too good-looking!

It’s too soon to send this rigmarole, so I’ll leave it open until tomorrow. Maybe I’ll have a post-card from my husband by then! Oh boy! Right now I think I’d better go and straighten things up – moving consisted of dumping all my stuff in the room, and there’s hardly room to turn around at present!

Tons of love

Same Night – in bed


This is ridiculous! I can’t possibly have anything else to say to you when it’s only 6 hours since I last wrote, but somehow I’ve just got to say “good-night”. Do you mind? And think how much I’d have said to you in 6 hours if you’d been here, anyway!

We had a sing-song tonight. Never had one while you were home, did we? Guess you weren’t home long enough. Better come back! Today was Father Matte’s anniversary – 8 years a priest. Incidentally, that bears out what I said about his age – must be at least 36 or so. Anyway he was here for supper and said Benediction, then we all migrated towards the piano and sang all the old songs. Kind of fun! Mum was here, and I went over to Mrs. Brown’s afterwards with her for some tea. Now I’m back at the Hall again, nicely propped up in bed.

While I think of it, don’t waste time looking up Father Dwyer. He went right through – overseas.

I guess that’s all I should be allowed to chatter for good-night. Isn’t it?

 More tomorrow.

Sept. 22nd – 9.15 P.M.

My Dearest:

Not quite in bed this time – sitting propped up on the bed waiting for Tommy to come home and do my hair – I just washed it and she said she’d set it. Pat’s radio is playing – Dal Richards from the Panorama Roof. Remember when we listened to that at the studio? Just two Wednesdays ago! Oh gee!

I told you I didn’t know how often I’d write, but just at present I feel I’ve got to write every day – in fact I’ve had to use an awful lot of will power to wait until now – several times today I’ve been tempted to write. Will it worry you if I make it sort of a diary? – probably mostly about nothing? If it does worry you be sure to tell me, but you’ve no idea what a comfort it is.

I was quite a good girl today. Sent your things to the laundry and the cleaners, saw about pictures, changed my National Registration, called on Art Worth and delivered your masterpiece. This afternoon called at the office. Tonight I packed presents – they nearly all went into the wooden box and I nailed the lid on. I’m going to paint our name on it then stick it way back in a corner of the box room.

Speaking of pictures, the enlargement that Mr. Basanta did – the “hilarious” one, would make rather nice Christmas cards. Do you approve? Lots of our friends would undoubtedly like a copy, and I guess we can get folders for them. Let me know if I should go ahead. Couldn’t get the negative from the Candid Camera people – they say it’s the negative that’s scratched and they don’t recommend enlargements. I’m having one done for you though, as requested.

Ignore my remark about Father Dwyer – he phoned Father Matte from Halifax last night, so will probably still be here when you arrive, so look him up.

You know it’s funny, but I’m beginning to think I’m in love with my husband. Silly, isn’t it! But I just can’t get him out of my mind. Do you suppose he still loves me, too?

Guess that’s enough raving – being the 13th page I’ll quit, and trust this is waiting for you when you arrive – I do so want to say “hello” right away. Also I love you.

Your very own wife

Original Scans

Original Scans