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Date: April 11th 1918
Nerta Davis – (sister)
Worth Davis

France 11/4/18.

My Dear Nerta,

Your Easter parcel arrived last night, and I will enjoy it very much, when I recover from one of Mother’s of a couple of days ago. I got enough sweet stuff, for once in my life, that time. Also had a parcel from Mir, night before last.

I have “been going to” answer a March letter of yours, for a week, and a later one arrived last night. My letters to you will be less frequent, as they have requested that I send them all home. Of course you will soon be there now. I wish I could be there as soon. Never mind, that time is fast approaching.

You should worry – not – whether you get your marks or not, as long as you know you passed. I guess you know what the Carbine is now. I sent you a cut of it from England, like Floss’. It has turned up since, I am glad to say.

When I said “Optometry” had ceased to be, I meant as Optometry. It is now the “Western Optical World” of Frisco. I do not like it as well, but they will get it knocked into shape. I think Justin is still with them, and he is responsible for the character of the make up, at least that is the opinion I always had.

Honestly the “Post” is the best friend I have over here. Of course not having seen one for such a long time makes it better. Those letters from the baseball pitcher, are still running at times. I got one last night with some in, and he has been conscripted. I nearly laughed myself sick, they are so funny.

You tell Carmen that my mouth is not half so conceited as I am and the reason my nose is so big, is that I kept it out of other people’s business and gave it a chance to grow. Perhaps that will hold her for a minute or two.

Yes I was up at Rason’s one night, they are a pretty good bunch.

How in the deuce could Carmen, being tall, remind me of Olive? She is so small. Say, I don’t think I have seen Olive but once, since Dad was sick in ’09. I doubt if I would know her now,

Wilfred was lucky to get over for a couple of weeks. I had Mrs. [Venable’s?] address, but was not in Brighton after I received it. Most of them are crazy about Brighton, but I don’t like it at all. Was only there two or three times. Eastbourne suits me much better, alltho I suppose it is not so gay in the Season.

I have had a couple of letters from Mable Allen, and last week a peach of a pair of socks and some chocolate. By the way, thanks for those sox you knit, which mother sent me recently. Hear Vera Allen has a son, I would like to see her with it. How is it that Stan Allen is in H--? Is he in the A.M.C? he was a dispenser if remember correctly.

I am glad you got a good enlargement. It was taken quite near to the place where I bought that spoon, I sent you some time ago, as you would see by the date.

Am still in the same place as I landed day before Christmas, and from our fence could throw a stone into the place you suggest.

Glad Bernice was able to be with you. Do you teach out there every day? Too bad it is not near Wentworth Eveline and you could see Georgie every day. She is, or was living with Auntie right near top. She was tho trying to buy what was her home when I first met her. It is just off Wentworth on a street parallel with the mountain and near the corner. I forget the street for the minute.

Don’t forget to take a snap to [?], I am not so particular about Mae, but would like her to have one too.

Would not be surprised if Bill is married and don’t blame him either, he is in Blighty for duration. If I had stayed there much longer, I believe I would have been married myself. I met a girl in Eastbourne that I am sure you would all have fallen in love with [Haerie?], but the only fault was, she didn’t like me. She is a fine girl Nert and I think I’ll take her back with me. What!

I do hope Nixon does not have to come over here again. Of course if he was down at Seaford, he is likely on the way back. Louise Mitchell said, I think, that Jim McKinnon was up in London with Gilbert which would likely be in the pay office. Hope they are able to stay there, as it is more healthy than here. Must get busy now Dear.

Your loving brother,

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