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Date: November 26th 1918
William McLellan

East Sandling

Dear People: --

Just a note to let you know that things are still marking time here - nothing has happened yet and I guess we will have to wait until the middle of Decembre before we know.

Excuse the paper - I came over to the Y to play billiards & never brought my writing dope along.

Had a letter from Brownie today - you remember him don't you? I spoke of him quite often. Well he got hit at Cambrai - a sniper got him just as they were entering the town. The bullet hit him just over the right eye, glanced off his scull & took a chunk out of his ear. A little bit too close to be comfortable but as he says - it didn't even give him a head-ache. He was enjoying life in a London hospital when he wrote. He's a great kid - always happy - whatever turns up it always look like a joke to Brownie.

Henderson or "Hen" had been hit too & is in a hospital in France but I don't know how badly. I've written him & hope to be able to look him up Xmas time. That makes just about all our old crowd in Blighty - except"Drink" the kid from McLeod. I guess he is on his way to the Rhine by now with the old B'n. He may be hit tho too for all I know. Had a letter from Lennie McLeod a few days ago. He is an observer - couldn't pass the test for a pilot -- & has his pip up altho' he hasn't has a look at France yet. Got Chucks add from Mac & hope to be able to see him soon. Peener, Burnie & Chief are all OK at Bramshott. We are planning on a big re-union Xmas time - Peener, Burnie, Chief, Brownie, Chuck, Feurt, Mac, Lennie, Hen, Geo McPherson, Jaff, and quite a few more of the fellows are scattered around England. We have been a pretty lucky bunch of fellows. J.D. McNab is still O.K. after being wounded twice & gassed once. Haven't heard from Clark in ages - don't know how he is making out.

I hope the Flu hasn't got the best of you - how does nursing go - It would do for a change eh! I hope the kiddies on the farm didn't get it seriously.

Am looking for a letter tomorrow.

Love to everybody Bill

P.S. Getting near Xmas eh! Have a mighty good time for me - It aughtn't be so very long after that before we get back.

Love WJM