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Date: December 29th 1944
Wanda Gill - (wife)
Leslie Gill

letter #64

HMCS Iroquois
c/o GPO London
Dec 29/44

My Dearest,

Having just stuck a stamp on the Air Letter to you, no 63, and shoved it in the box, its as good a time as any to start another. No sense getting out writing gear for just one letter is there? Besides, I dont believe I told you that I love you. If I did, Im sure it was not very convincing, because I cant remember it at all. I do love you, darling, more and more every minute. More than you love me and Evelyn combined. Thats a lot, isn’t it? Guess Im just an old softie!

I’ve just been reminded that I have a lot of work to do! Sewing dammit. I dont mind some kinds of sewing, but this puts me off. Canada badges, and medal ribbons. First of all I have to find Canada badges. There’s a chatty old pair on my No 3’s, I can use them I guess. I was picked up by the Captain for not wearing medal ribbons Christmas Day. He was quite bitter about it. Anyhow a notice appeared on the board today where all ratings are to have everything sewed up by noon tomorrow. I have ribbons, but I cant make them look right. My lapels are very wide and cover them up. Oh well here goes. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow. Love Les

Sat Dec 30/44

Today is one of my better days. Two letters from you! Very lovely letters too darling. Thanks for arranging them to arrive today. Also for the swell snaps. I can tell better what “she” looks like but they’re not so good of you. Your face seems thin. Have you been sicker than you told me? I bet you were. Poor darling. Well, the worst of it is over now. Hurry up and recuperate!

You’ve numbered this letter 42 same as your last one. Whats the idea? I’m the dumb one of our family, quit stealing my stuff!

Why cant you “take the buggy of course”? They used to allow prams on trams in my young days. Are the cars that crowded or is there a new regulation nowadays. Is it one of the folding ones, or a large scale model? Maybe I’d better have a picture of it too! Nothing like being prepared, is there? If I’m to be put in charge of it some day, I’d like to know beforehand what I’m up against. Six stores, gad! Bad as this country!

How is Mum’s arm progressing? Should be well on the way to recovery now. I see you say she went to the doc again. Is it acting up, or just a routine visit? Nearly time for the cast to come off now.

You will be pleased to hear that I have lungs. And in excellent condition too! Best pair of sponges this side of the Rocky Mountains. There must have been some doubt in the Navy’s mind cause they sent us all ashore in great bunches to be Xrayed. All of us have been done now (third time for me) and they are finally convinced we have lungs, two in number. Thats the “established proportion”, you know. It made a pleasant break in the day’s routine though, and is very interesting too. Hope they do it some more soon! (Nice little wrens do it.)

Im glad you get that particular letter at last. What you gathered is quite correct. And I was mixed up! Remember I tried to get you to straighten me out? Its all OK now though, and we can carry right on. At that, only a few were mixed up, and theres no harm done. I repeat, its all OK now.

New Years Eve

Just then from behind a strangleberry bush jumped the bad old Skee! “[?] I want he cried, “Some I must have!” looking at Uncle Wiggly’s ears. Does that sound convincing? Have to practice up you know. May run out of salty tales to tell the nipper and have to fall back on good old Uncle Wiggly!

What really happened was that I was interrupted in the middle of a sentence. What was I saying? Oh yes. Everything is OK as far as that kind of business goes. Such a thing will not (repeat not) happen again.

Its nearly 1945! Who’d believe it? We had a very busy day, turned out earlier than usual worked, cleaned, went to Divisions twice and were inspected and admired by various big shots. We were late for dinner, and afterward the Yeoman and I slipped ashore for a pint. Checking out time is 2 PM, so Tug came back to the ship and I went for long walk. Walked till after dark so I must have covered ten or twelve miles at least. Then I went to my club, where wonder of wonders they had turkey on the menu! Usually its spam—horrid stuff! I had turkey dinner (very small portions!) and two bottles of ale for 3/6. This will have to be my last splurge till next pay day, weeks in the future. This club of mine is very cheap to eat and stop at, but usually they are sold out and packed to the doors. I was just lucky today.

Came directly back to the ship, like a good lad, and here I am, and that brings us right up to date again. Its only 9.30 and very quiet. The hell-raising section of the mess is ashore celebrating. I dont expect them till the wee some hours. I can have the next hour or so with you alone! What shall I do first? Propose again? As you say, its over three years now, we should renew it! Meet me at the Lido tomorrow for lunch! You bring the rye this time. I wonder if the old gang still works and goes there? Couldn’t I create an uproar by carrying Evelyn in and sitting her on the slot machine! Tony made a big impression, but I think Evelyn would outshine him. (In time!)

Must have spoken too soon. Here’s a pair of fat men just come off. They show symptoms of being noisy too. Dammit! You have no idea what I have to put up with sometimes. A weaker man, or a person that didn’t love you as much as I do, would chuck his hand in. Me, being strong, and very much in love with you, carries right on! Do you feel honored, or just sorry for me?

My sewing job the other night passed inspection, but its very poor. All pimples and pock marks. Wish we’d stay in one place long enough to send it to a proper tailor. Better still, send me home so you can do it for me! Remember the swell job you made of my Canada badges in Annapolis? Happy day, or was it evening? Thats two reasons I have for being sent home now. Minding the baby and getting sewing done. Can you think of anything else? (I can!)

I do admire our daughters taste in music. “Ive got Sixpence” is one of my favorites, so I guess she inherits that. Does she show any particular interest when you come to the part about “Rolling home, blind drunk,?” I dont know where she gets that from. Are there any drunkards in your family? The last singing I did was with Hughie and Keith Tannier in a pub. I believe the best was “Bonny Charlie’s Gang Awe’ “Boogley-Woogley Piggie” and “Mary O’Argyle”. We had several pints bought for us for our efforts, either in appreciation or to shut us up! Hard to tell which.

I’d love you in spite of (or because of) the new hair do, darling! Paper-curl? What in the hell is that? I guess that washes out the hair do in the pictures. That was very nice too. I guess I just love everything about you, darling, hair do or hair dont! How come you went to town for it? Isnt Mary Comerford still in the business?

Things are being difficult. An uproar is going on around me now. I’ve stuck it long as I could, but better for both of us if I close this off. Time it went anyhow. Three days since the last. Table being shaken now!

Well darling, Im glad to see the last of 1944. It was a happy year, up till May 12, but very dull after that. Of course you remember last New Years’ Eve? Poor Earl! Next New Years will be much different Im sure. And I’ll see my Wannie long before then too! Roll on 1945! Greetings to your Mum and all our friends, severally and individually. Cant list them all here, but you do the honors for me. Convey my best wishes to each one you meet, and make it personal. You know what I mean.

To you, darling, I send all my love and I hope it wont be too long before I can be there and really convince you! Even if I cant convince you, it will be fun trying! I’m looking forward to it. (And how!)

Bye, darling, all the best,
Your own hubbind

P.S. I guess Evelyn is entitled too, isnt she? She’s young yet. Let her have about .04%, all the rest is for you! She probably gets too much now anyhow. Dont you spoil her now, or let anyone else. Thats my privilege!

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