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Date: July 24th 1941
Mother - (Muriel Blair)
McCrea Blair Jr.

Gnr M.P. Blair H3628
18th Battery
2nd Anti Tank Regt
Can army overseas

July 24 1941

Dear Mother

I received your letter of July 10 yesterday with my 4 pound 10 shilling, that one certainly diden’t take long about 12 days.

Glad to hear you got my letter of June 22 with the pictures. I sent some be fore that June 8 the same time I sent the box there was the pictures of the king and Queen also four or five other pictures and I hope they are not lost.

I am send ing you all the negatives I have sent some in two or three letters and I have some more I am taking into town to-day to get some prints made also a roll of film to develope so will be send them in a few days. I don’t want the negatives back as they will be nice to have when I get home I guess you must have some by now.

Those things I bought at Inverness were very cheap but I just got the for soverenir glad you got them. For a while there was not much mail but of course I got all your air mail letters including the pictures of Dad and you.

I received the mony you sent for my birthday 2 pound 4 shilling 10 pence a week ago to-day and I wrote you the same day and thanks very much. Also the three boxes you sent June 23 I think they were I have sent the list back.

You don’t need to think you have neglected me I understand exacely with Granny passing away and all the work to be done and things to settle I only hope it wasen’t to hard on you. Thank goodness Aunt Jessie wasen’t there when Granny stuff was divided I suppose she would fougt over everything and its really none of he business. Its really to bad th Grannys house will have to be pulled down its such a lovely place but I guess that’s the only thing to do.

Yes Russia is certainly holding her on against Germeny and she is certainly doind a wonderful job much more then any one expected she could and we have to Give them credit they have at least shortened the war for us in fact she might even finish it. I really think there are going to be some mighty big divelopement thre in our favor. Russians claims are pretty well true I think it Germay that is making all the fake claims old Hitler hit something this time that he can’t take and I believe Russia still has a ace up he sleeve.

Glad to hear Bob is getting married I only wished I were there Bob told me in one of of his letters I would have been best man if I had of been home. I guess by the time I do get home all my old friends will be married.

It will certainly be a nice change for Helen going to Tronto and I also think you and Dad should go to or at least take a trip some where it would do you both the world of good the rest of the family woulden’t starve.

You never told me Aunt Alica sent me a box at Christmas I never got it which is a dam shame I think I remember it comming out on orders there was mail lost in Novenber anyhow I will write her and send it in care of you as I dont know her address.

I have never received Dads Cable but you see we are in the field now and a Cable is not like air mail it would go to our old address and have to go back to London so I should get it any dey now it must have been sent just after we moved but I will write Dad as soon as I get it

I have received the 300 cigerittes you sent in May I I will be getting the other in a few days as there is another mail in. There are very few cigarettes lost now but there was lots of them when I first came over here.

Well I am in the best of health never felt better in my life as I guess you can see by the pictures yes I am happy of cours there are times when we get a little bored and fed up but we soon get over it and the times are not so bad now we haven’t heard a bomb drop for ever so long or even seen a Germen plane I haven’t heard a the Air raid siren for nearly two months

So don’t you go worrying mother dear I am perfecty all right and I feel quite confident it won’t be long before we will all be together again so take good care of yourself love to all

Much love

P.S. There is nothing else I want in my boxes you are doing wonderful as it is a fellow coulden’t wish for more but I hat to think what it must [bottom of paper has been cut off]

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