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Date: November 17th 1940
Muriel Blair - (sister)
McCrea Blair Jr.

Nov 17 1940

Dear Muriel

I received your letter Dated oct 28 and had been waiting for it as I have been receiving one nearly every week from you (keep it up kid) and glad to hear you are receiving my mail at home I have received every thing and its comming in good. well this is the longest letter you have sent me so the longer they are the better and I will be waiting for them. Glad to hear Elaine is writing me tell her I am patiently waiting for it I guess I should get it to morrow or next day She must have received my letter by now.

well I guess some of the mail will go down with some ships but of course we have to expect that so we can just hope for the best. We sur are going to keep that date at the Cove when I get home so mark it up your date book also tell Elaine she is in on the date to.

well I received the pictures and they were swell Mother said the dog disappared it sure is a shame as he seemed such a cute pup in the picture I hope he came back.

Yes its lucky Helen and you are not over here well the girls over here have to stand it but you don’t and won’t.

I guess Jobs are pretty hard to find these days but I don’t see any reason why you won’t get on at Eatons here all the power to you it would be nice if you could make a little money for Christmas. so all the luck in the world to you kid.

well that fellow I met might have been Pat [Finneys?] brother but I certainly diden’t meet him in the Canteen when I was home that is certain so don’t let him kid you. I guess that must have been a great picture North west Mounted Police and it sure must have been swell to see the [acters?] I guess you must have had quite a thrill especily been so close to them I sure would liked to have seen them. you sure waited a long time and I guess you were darn tired but I suppose it was worth it in the end.

well I guess we were all pretty tired after that fairwell party the boys held for me. that one party I will remember all my life and I remember I was really feeling good that night. Say tell Elaine is here letter isent any longer then 5 pages I will really raise hell when I write her.

Glad to hear Phyills Coburn asked about me have had a letter from Roy and was mighty glad to hear from him he said he had sent 300 cigarettes to me pretty good of him dont you think. Say this girl named Evelyn I was out with last Christmas Eve just I can’t remember her of course don’t tell her that maybe it will come back to me. I have trying to think for the last hour who it could be I know I was feeling pretty good in fact dam good.

Let me see how was I feeling on Oct 25 seeing you asked oh yes I think I went into town that night and feeling pretty good when I got home we had a (couple) of beer or may three beers and went to a dance there is a bar in the dance hall so I guess we had a couple more beer but you know me I woulden’t take more beer then that. So I guess I was feeling swell to but of course great minds think and feel alike.

Well it sure is tough nothing exciting happened on the night of Oct 25 bit dont fret we will have a exciting time on that date we have.

Well mother told me Stafford got married in other words he has got a chain around his neck. I sure would like to have been at the party they must of had a swell time Tell Bill I remember Archie sister quite a good looking kid! So Bill was pretty tight when he came was he tell [Leslie?] she had better clamp down on him give her my love and tell her I will write her in a couple of days. I suppose George staggered in with the birds I hope he made the stairs all right and diden’t wake up every body tell him it won’t be long before him a I will begoing on one of our good old glouries drunks I hope well thats the end of your letter and dont think it bored me as it certainly didint I have read it four or five times mow as I do every time.

Well my sweet tittle sister I dont want to close just yet so I promised you a long letter so let me see what can I tell you about oh yes we saw a real fierce air Battle this afternoon so I will try to describe it to you well we were working this after noon and we heard a great bunch of planes comming they were so high you could just see a big white streem of vapor comming out of the tail just tike smoke ther must have been 50 of them we then saw a big bunch of our planes comming and they met and really went to it circling all over the sky diving and climbing and machine guns rattllang and a big white cloud of vapor comming from behind leaving a trail whenever they went It really is a sight just imagine you have seen planes sky writing well its just like that but very white and think what it would look like with 70 or 80 planes circling all around the sky it sure makes a nice sight and when they are drivin off its just as if they had left a big cloud in the sky I would like to get a picter of it and I will one of these day. (Well I have to go and look for some more writing paper so will be back in a minute)

[letter ends or remainder missing]

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