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Date: August 26th 1917
Mother – (Mary Davis)
Worth Davis

No 20.
C.M.H.E. 26/8/17.

My Dear Mother,

Well, last night at tea time, (when I arrived home from the matinee) I found eight letters waiting for me, and you may believe me, they were welcome.

I have not been doing a great deal lately, just the usual work and not too much of that. Bill Berry may possibly come down into this area, Seaford I suppose, but he is not sure yet.

Enclosed, you will find balance of the Irish snaps, sorry some are stained, but I had a little hard luck the night I finished these. I have applied for a photographer’s permit for this area, and if I get it, I intend buying a ¼ plate (4¾ X 6½) camera with the proceeds of my Irish prints (of course this is not all profit). There is a nice little one down town (second hand) that I can get quite reasonably. With it I hope to get work in and around the hospital that I can sell to the Canadian papers, and will also be able to sell quite a few here as well. Ever since I sold my last large machine to F.M. Wright, I have intended getting another and I believe this is a good chance as I can make it nearly pay for itself if here very long. Of course this all depends on my getting a permit thro, and this now is up to the military authorities at New Haven, where I sent it last night for O.K.

I have had papers & clippings O.K., also clippings in Dad’s letter.

I did not know that Mrs. Mc G. was unable to be out. Has she never been well since her sickness?

Mail from this country is censored by official censors at some central censory office or port of leaving, and there is not unit censoring. Perhaps the reason mine are not censored is because I put my number & initials on. I never tell anything tho that would matter. I saw plenty on my Irish trip that I would like to tell you but cannot. During the night trip back from Ireland, we were all issued with life belts, so you can imagine conditions. I used mine for a pillow, and had a b[?] good sleep.

So you have had some hot weather at last, We have had very little really hot weather & the nights are always fairly cool. Good thing too, as we are right under the roof.

I guess Wilfred is glad to smoke to pass the time away. Most of the boys smoke something or other.

I certainly do enjoy photography. You get results and something to show for your money. Then again, it keeps us in closer touch. I do hope Nert, gets good results from that pack she spoke of finishing while in Courtland. I will sure be glad to get the prints. The next parcel you send, enclose ½ dz 6 exposure rolls of Eastman film #117- No 1 Brownie – 12 ¼ X 2¼, they are terrible scarce here, also 1 dz. Velox developing powders, none other will do, as I prefer this particular powder for my paper. Just mark your boxes after this “Soldiers Comforts,” This covers everything, and they are not as likely to be pinched. I have never received the “Omar” cigarettes and Nert has not mentioned them again.

Don’t say anything to the Mallees, but if Frank only gets £ 1/-/- he must be on restricted pay, less than a shilling a day, and it will be for some crime or other. If you have none assigned, you can draw half pay or if you have assigned, you draw balance here. I get always £1/-/ a pay, (twice a month) and occasionally £2/-/- or £ 3/-/-. Last month I drew £5/-/- in pay here, so you see that is quite a good deal. I may get £3/-/ this month, but most likely only £2/-/-. Our pay master is very good tho and will allow us to over draw a little as long as you are not boozing or spending it foolishly.

No, I never play ball, too lazy, I guess.

I would most decidedly not like motor transport. I know plenty of the boys who have had to shovel coal, heave flour, etc for six months before they got a car. Then there is keeping it clean & repaired etc. Over here, you often lie around two or three days, without a run, and it gets too monotonous.

“Harrie” is “Queen of the Biscuit Shorters,” or a bun thrower in a bake shop. In other words, a clerk.

I just said to have Emerson stop susp. for one or two times, as I was not wearing them out as fast as they arrived, but want them now.


Original Scans

Original Scans