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Date: May 22nd 1918
Nerta Davis – (sister)
Worth Davis


My Dear Nerta.

I guess it is nearly time I was writing you, at least three of your letters waiting to be answered, all of April.

I am so glad My Dear, that Mother was able to be with you, if only for a short time I know just how you would enjoy having her, and O! how I envy you the opportunity. I well remember how she surprised me one Sat. eve. in ’10 or ’11 and strange to say it was on Main St., too. I don’t think you were ever at the house there, but it is 205 Main E., just East of the Fergusson St. Station. Mae lives very near there, on Spring and she says 205 is in very bad repair now. It was then just new, and quite a decent little place.

Don’t blame you for not being particular about bothering Kate. She always was rather peculiar. I never used to see them.

Is Kate Tuck, not older than you? I have never seen her, but always imagined she was more Miriam’s age. Where is Vic now? Still around Malta?

You will notice that I have been rather neglecting you and Mir. Lately, but I haven’t as much time, and Dad asked me to send all my regular letters home. I have just been writing you, when I have the time – and the heart. Many days I feel mighty little like letter-writing, believe me.

I never saw very much of Mr. [?], so don’t know anything about him. Mar. is a mighty nice kid, but terribly quiet, I always found. She is much older now tho, and has probably changed. I think she or some of her friends must have seen me with Georgie a few times and no doubt they had the same idea that you and the rest of them have.

I get my “Post” quite regularly and it furnishes about all the reading, I have time for. Mae had “Life” sent to me and that helps some too.

You are luky to be able to look ahead so many weeks and know you will be thro. We can just look ahead months and know we won’t be thro. It is two blooming years tomorrow since I left for London. Wonder what the coming two hold in store for us. Just as well we do not know perhaps.

I have not had my parcels yet, but as no others are coming in, I can hardly complain.

Well my Dear, it is 8 P.M. and I had better beat for bed. About all the sleep I can get these nights is before 10.30 or 11 and after two or three so that means get all you can.

Am enclosing a little real French so you can see how much you (don’t?) know.

Your loving brother,

Original Scans

Original Scans