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Date: July 24th 1915

24 July 1915

My Dear Mother.

It is sometime since I have written you although I have received all your letters, and from Agnes Eudora William and dear Marion.

There is really not very much to say I am well as ever, working hard at times and enjoying myself when the occasion offers. We have marched a considerable distance this week. Tuesday 22 miles. Wednesday 12 and Thursday 12. We were to go out today but it rained very hard and manouvers were called off. The weather has been fine. For over six weeks there was no rain at all, everyday bright and shiny. This week however has been the reverse.

I am glad to hear William is sailing so well and enjoying it. If you could overcome your natural dislike of small boats you would enjoy it to.

These are the rest of the pictures which are enclosed. Orvil very kindly lent me some of his films. The large ones are the ones he took. I sent up to London to get those printed which Kodaks sent back saying they were not worth while printing. I sent one of each to the relatives and you are getting the other print. You may have the films if you want them.

Aunt Susan sent me a letter the other day. She is getting anxious over her adopted son, Andrew, who has been out at the front since nearly the beginning of the war and they have not heard from him for over a month. They certainly rub it in to men of enlistment age who have so far refused. Posters all over. There is a particularly good one in London at a cross street saying, This to “Charing Cross” “This way to Kings Cross. But this way to “Victoria Cross” pointing to the recruiting office. Men are shamed into the army not only by these posters but by women who will stop a civilian on the street and present him with a white feather.

I met Lon[?] Anderson here one Sunday. Marion knows him. He was wounded you remember and was at some ladys house over here. He came up to the shack to see me. He is a lieutenant now and looked pretty handsome in his kilt. He was expecting to go to France in a few days but had to go to London before a medical board. Here he was pronounced unfit. His nerves I guess and was given three months leave. I heard he sailed for Canada the following day so you will no doubt hear of him in Toronto before this. He would tell me nothing of the war, that is the actual fighting I guess it was not a pleasant subject. He saw Harry Foote at Ypres where he was in the best conditions. I have not heard anything of Harry outside of that.

Harry Ardie is a sergeant now. Marion would no doubt like to hear this but have seen him only twice since being here. I had an offer of a position in the office of the Brigade Staff. Typewritting etc. all inside work. If I had taken it I might have been able to get more leave and perhaps more pay but I could not feel myself justified in taking it. Some one who is less physical fit than I is welcome to it

I decided not to send those shoes I spoke of after all. Although I paid for them it might cause trouble going through the customs with the Canadian Government stamp on them. Junk and stuff is accumulating I think I will make a parcel of it and send it to Joe Dalziel to keep until I come back when I go away. I hear from Joe quite frequently. He is a good scout one of the best.

How are you enjoying yourself at the lot this year. Are you getting lots of berries and vegetables yet. The cold weather you have been having must have kept back the fruit a good deal this year. The strawberries have been over now for two or three weeks and the cherries will soon be gone. The cherries are good sweet and large.

Jack Robertson sent me the socks they are a good pair too but no tobacco has come yet. I get quite a few letters from the office but correspondence has dropped considerable in the last month or so. No doubt I neglected it but I find it impossible to write a letter of a page or two and do it justice and as I cant find time to write a volume to them all similar to what I send you at times they go unanswered. I lost my girl in Toronto, at least I never hear from her, somebody else is enjoying her company perhaps so I should worry. There is just as good fish in the sea as was ever caught, but this is not the season.

Agnes writes lots of letters which I enjoy and when Marions and Eudoras come I have a good laugh to myself there are funny. Where is Mary going for her holidays. She sent me a snap of the Humber in full swing it made us think of the good times I have spent on the water at home just about this time of the year too.

Well Mother I can think of nothing further of interest to tell you now, so will close. Write a good long letter to me you can do it if you will only sit down and write what you think, never mind the writing Ill make it out some how.

Your affectionate Son


Remember me to Edna and Edgor.

Original Scans

Original Scans