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Date: January 9th 1918
Mrs Law
Agnes M. Morrison

226 Furman St

Syracuse N.Y.

Jan 9. 1918

Dear Mrs Law

You dont know how pleased I was to get a letter from you, with news of your family. I have often wondered how things were with you, if the boys had both gone to the war, and perhaps Agnes. well I think one is enough to worry about. I am glad he has been spared to you through all the trying times he has come up against, and I pray God may spare him to come back safely to you when the war is over which I hope will be soon.

I heard of Robert’s son being killed, our people sent a cutting from the Hamilton paper. it is very sad losing his only son and he seems to have been such a nice young man. Dr Harrison lost his only son too. I am thankful my family are all girls, Annie’s husband was drafted on the first call, but he is not well enough to go. he had pleurisy last spring and it left his lungs in bad shape tuberculosis set in, and he has been fighting it by living out doors he had a tent put up in his back yard, and slept there until the winter got too severe, now he sleeps in a room with 3 windows open. he is much better now. his lung is clearing, and his temperature normal most of the time he walks around a good deal. was at our New Years party and none the worse for it. they are living with his people. they have a nice little baby boy 8 months old.

Grace has been in Pittsburgh for about a month one of her patients moved there, and needed her services. she does not expect to be home before Feb. Nessie is still in the same school and Helen has a good position with the Helsay heating Co Mr M. is selling oil stock for wells being drilled in Alabama Gulf Coast where our orchards are, so is at home, and I am holding my job as housekeeper. and it keeps me busy. I would like very much to visit you, and have a good chat. but don’t see how I can unless I come while Nessie has her vacation but why cant you come and see us, I think the change would do you good. think it over seriously I wish Mr Law could come with you for a little while. write and let me know if you can come.

Ever your loving friend

Agnes M. Morrison

Thank you very much for the beautiful handkerchief you sent me. it reached us all right even if the Baker St. address was on it. we moved here May 1st it is more convenient to the city and to our church. we still attend Good Will



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